SIC Industry Description

Industry: 4212—Local Trucking Without Storage
Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing trucking or transfer services without storage for freight generally weighing more than 100 pounds, in a single municipality, contiguous municipalities, or a municipality and its suburban areas. Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing local courier services for letters, parcels, and packages generally weighing less than 100 pounds are classified in Industry 4215; those engaged in collecting and disposing of refuse by processing or destruction of materials are classified in Industry 4953; those engaged in removing overburden from mines or quarries are classified in Division B, Mining; and construction contractors hauling dirt and rock as a part of their construction activity are classified in Division C, Construction.

Baggage transferLocal trucking, without storage
Carting, by truck or horse drawn wagonLog trucking
Debris removal, local carting onlyMail carriers, bulk, contract: local
Draying, local: without storageRefuse, local collecting and transporting: without disposal
Farm to market haulingRental of trucks with drivers
Furniture moving, local: without storageSafe moving, local
Garbage, local collecting and transporting: without disposalStar routes, local
Hauling live animals, localTruck rental for local use, with drivers
Hauling, by dump truckTrucking timber
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
4212Local Trucking, Without Storage182,983
421200Local trucking, without storage135,006
42120000Local trucking, without storage135,006
421201Animal and farm product transportation services1,450
42120100Animal and farm product transportation services623
42120101Animal transport403
42120102Farm to market haulage, local386
42120103Live poultry haulage38
421202Liquid transfer services879
42120200Liquid transfer services136
42120201Liquid haulage, local425
42120202Petroleum haulage, local318
421203Lumber and timber trucking1,013
42120300Lumber and timber trucking291
42120301Lumber (log) trucking, local577
42120302Timber trucking, local145
421204Moving services11,557
42120400Moving services11,033
42120401Furniture moving, local: without storage481
42120402Safe moving, local43
421299Local trucking, without storage, nec33,078
42129901Baggage transfer162
42129902Coal haulage, local185
42129903Delivery service, vehicular12,629
42129904Draying, local: without storage80
42129905Dump truck haulage4,779
42129906Garbage collection and transport, no disposal1,702
42129907Hazardous waste transport240
42129908Heavy machinery transport, local345
42129909Light haulage and cartage, local10,743
42129910Mail carriers, contract1,133
42129911Star routes, local9
42129912Steel hauling, local250
42129913Truck rental with drivers821