SIC Industry Description

Industry: 4173—Terminal and Service Facilities for Motor Vehicle Passenger Transportation
Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of motor vehicle passenger terminals and of maintenance and service facilities, not operated by companies that also furnish motor vehicle passenger transportation. Establishments that are owned by motor vehicle passenger transportation companies and are primarily engaged in operating terminals for use of such vehicles are classified in the same industry as the establishments providing the motor vehicle transportation. Separate maintenance and service facilities operated by companies furnishing motor vehicle passenger transportation should be treated as auxiliaries. Establishments which provide motor vehicle maintenance or service for the general public are classified in Services, Industry Group 753.

Bus terminal operationMaintenance facilities for motor vehicle passenger transportation
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
4173Bus Terminal and Service Facilities464
417300Bus terminal and service facilities222
41730000Bus terminal and service facilities222
417399Bus terminal and service facilities, nec242
41739901Bus terminal operation38
41739902Maintenance facilities for motor vehicle passenger transport118
41739903Maintenance facilities, buses86