Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing orthopedic, prosthetic, and surgical appliances and supplies, arch supports and other foot appliances; fracture appliances, elastic hosiery, abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses; bandages; surgical gauze and dressings; sutures; adhesive tapes and medicated plasters; and personal safety appliances and equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing surgical and medical instruments are classified in Industry 3841. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing orthopedic or prosthetic appliances and in the personal fitting to the individual prescription by a physician are classified in Retail Trade, Industry 5999.
Abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses | Infant incubators |
Absorbent cotton, sterilized | Intrauterine devices |
Adhesive tape and plasters, medicated or non-medicated | Iron lungs |
Applicators, cotton tipped | Life preservers, except cork and inflatable |
Atomizers, medical | Ligatures, medical |
Autoclaves, hospital and surgical | Limbs, artificial |
Bandages and dressings, surgical and orthopedic | Linemen's safety belts |
Bandages: plastics, muslin, and plaster of paris | Models, anatomical |
Belts: sanitary, surgical, and corrective | Noise protectors, personal |
Braces, elastic | Orthopedic devices and materials |
Braces, orthopedic | Pads, incontinent and bed |
Bulletproof vests | Personal safety appliances and equipment |
Canes, orthopedic | Plugs, ear and nose |
Cervical collars | Prosthetic appliances and supplies |
Clothing, fire resistant and protective | Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, and sheeting |
Colostomy appliances | Respirators |
Corn remover and bunion pads | Respiratory protection equipment, personal |
Corsets, surgical | Restraints, patient |
Cosmetic restorations | Safety appliances and equipment, personal |
Cotton, absorbent: sterilized | Safety gloves, all materials |
Cotton, including cotton balls | Socks, stump |
Crutches and walkers | Space suits |
Drapes, surgical: cotton | Splints, pneumatic and wood |
Dressings, surgical | Sponges, surgical |
Ear stoppers | Sterilizers, hospital and surgical |
Elastic hosiery, orthopedic | Stockinette, surgical |
Extension shoes, orthopedic | Stretchers |
First aid, snake bite, and burn kits | Suits, firefighting: asbestos |
Foot appliances, orthopedic | Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, and kneecap |
Fracture appliances, surgical | Surgical appliances and supplies, except medical instruments |
Gas masks | Suspensories |
Gauze, surgical: not made in weaving mills | Sutures |
Grafts, artificial: for surgery-made of braided or mesh artificial fibers | Swabs, sanitary cotton |
Gynecological supplies and appliances | Tongue depressors |
Hearing aids | Traction apparatus |
Helmets, space | Trusses: orthopedic and surgical |
Hosiery, support | Welders' hoods |
Hydrotherapy equipment | Wheel chairs |
Implants, surgical | Whirlpool baths, hydrotherapy equipment |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
38420000 | Surgical appliances and supplies | 1,102 |
38420100 | Personal safety equipment | 243 |
38420101 | Bulletproof vests | 36 |
38420102 | Clothing, fire resistant and protective | 98 |
38420103 | Ear plugs | 23 |
38420104 | Gas masks | 9 |
38420105 | Gloves, safety | 60 |
38420106 | Helmets, space | 5 |
38420107 | Life preservers, except cork and inflatable | 4 |
38420108 | Linemen's safety belts | 2 |
38420109 | Noise protectors, personal | 3 |
38420110 | Nose plugs | 0 |
38420111 | Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, sheeting, etc. | 27 |
38420112 | Respiratory protection equipment, personal | 48 |
38420113 | Space suits | 3 |
38420114 | Suits, firefighting (asbestos) | 6 |
38420115 | Welders' hoods | 60 |
38420200 | Cotton and cotton applicators | 3 |
38420201 | Absorbent cotton, sterilized | 9 |
38420202 | Applicators, cotton tipped | 2 |
38420203 | Cotton, absorbent: sterilized | 0 |
38420204 | Cotton, including cotton balls: sterile and non-sterile | 2 |
38420205 | Swabs, sanitary cotton | 3 |
38420300 | Prosthetic appliances | 462 |
38420301 | Cosmetic restorations | 48 |
38420302 | Implants, surgical | 158 |
38420303 | Limbs, artificial | 402 |
38420304 | Models, anatomical | 13 |
38420305 | Socks, stump | 1 |
38420400 | Orthopedic appliances | 577 |
38420401 | Abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses | 25 |
38420402 | Braces, elastic | 13 |
38420403 | Braces, orthopedic | 146 |
38420404 | Canes, orthopedic | 14 |
38420405 | Cervical collars | 1 |
38420407 | Corsets, surgical | 0 |
38420408 | Crutches and walkers | 14 |
38420409 | Elastic hosiery, orthopedic (support) | 6 |
38420410 | Extension shoes, orthopedic | 7 |
38420411 | Foot appliances, orthopedic | 39 |
38420412 | Hearing aids | 252 |
38420413 | Hosiery, support | 4 |
38420414 | Splints, pneumatic and wood | 6 |
38420415 | Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, kneecap, etc. | 26 |
38420416 | Suspensories | 3 |
38420417 | Technical aids for the handicapped | 44 |
38420418 | Trusses, orthopedic and surgical | 9 |
38420419 | Walkers | 54 |
38420420 | Wheelchairs | 290 |
38420500 | Bandages and dressings | 37 |
38420501 | Bandages: plastic, muslin, plaster of paris, etc. | 2 |
38420502 | Dressings, surgical | 8 |
38420503 | Gauze, surgical | 3 |
38429901 | Adhesive tape and plasters, medicated or non-medicated | 17 |
38429902 | Atomizers, medical | 5 |
38429903 | Autoclaves, hospital and surgical | 6 |
38429904 | Belts: surgical, sanitary, and corrective | 4 |
38429905 | Colostomy appliances | 4 |
38429906 | Drapes, surgical (cotton) | 2 |
38429907 | First aid, snake bite, and burn kits | 30 |
38429908 | Fracture appliances, surgical | 0 |
38429909 | Grafts, artifical: for surgery | 15 |
38429910 | Gynecological supplies and appliances | 8 |
38429911 | Hydrotherapy equipment | 16 |
38429912 | Infant incubators | 2 |
38429913 | Intra-uterine devices | 0 |
38429914 | Iron lungs | 6 |
38429915 | Ligatures, medical | 16 |
38429916 | Respirators | 25 |
38429917 | Restraints, patient | 7 |
38429918 | Sponges, surgical | 6 |
38429919 | Sterilizers, hospital and surgical | 28 |
38429920 | Stockinette, surgical | 1 |
38429921 | Stretchers | 24 |
38429922 | Surgical appliances and supplies | 79 |
38429923 | Sutures, absorbable and non-absorbable | 9 |
38429924 | Tape, adhesive: medicated or non-medicated | 9 |
38429925 | Tongue depressors | 0 |
38429926 | Traction apparatus | 11 |
38429927 | Whirlpool baths, hydrotherapy equipment | 19 |