SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3823—Industrial Instruments for Measurement, Display, and Control of Process Variables; and Related Products
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial instruments and related products for measuring, displaying (indicating and/or recording), transmitting, and controlling process variables in manufacturing, energy conversion, and public service utilities. These instruments operate mechanically, pneumatically, electronically, or electrically to measure process variables, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, vacuum, combustion, flow, level, viscosity, density, acidity, alkalinity, specific gravity, gas and liquid concentration, sequence, time interval, mechanical motion, and rotation. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electrical integrating meters are classified in Industry 3825; those manufacturing residential and commercial comfort controls are classified in Industry 3822; those manufacturing all liquid-in-glass and bimetal thermometers and glass hydrometers are classified in Industry 3829; those manufacturing recorder charts are classified in Industry Group 275; and those manufacturing analytical and optical instruments are classified in Industries 3826 and 3827.

Absorption analyzers, industrial process type: e.g., infrared, X-rayLiquid concentration instruments, industrial process type
Analyzers, industrial process typeLiquid level instruments, industrial process type
Annunciators, relay and solid-state types: industrial displayMagnetic flow meters, industrial process type
Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marine typeManometers, industrial process type
Buoyancy instruments, industrial process typeMoisture meters, industrial process type
Chromatographs, industrial process typeNuclear reactor controls
Combustion control instruments, except commercial and householdPanelboard indicators, recorders and controllers: receiver type
Computer interface equipment for industrial process controlPotentiometric self-balancing instruments, except X-Y plotters
Controllers for process variables: electric, electronic, and pneumaticPressure gauges, dial and digital
Coulometric analyzers, industrial process typePressure instruments, industrial process type
Data loggers, industrial process typePrimary elements for process flow measurement: orifice plates
Density and specific gravity instruments, industrial process typeProgrammers, process type
Differential pressure instruments, industrial process typePyrometers, industrial process type
Digital displays of process variablesRefractometers, industrial process type
Draft gauges, industrial process typeResistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process type
Electrodes used in industrial process measurementTelemetering instruments, industrial process type
Electrolytic conductivity instruments, industrial process typeTemperature instruments: industrial process type, except glass and bimetal
Flow instruments, industrial process typeThermal conductivity instruments, industrial process type
Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process controlThermistors, industrial process type
Gas and liquid analysis instruments, industrial process typeThermocouples, industrial process type
Gas flow computers, industrial process typeThermometers, filled system: industrial process type
Humidity instruments, industrial process typeTime cycle and program controllers, industrial process type
Hydrometers, industrial process typeTransmitters of process variables, standard signal conversion
Industrial process control instrumentsTurbidity instruments, industrial process type
Infrared instruments, industrial process typeTurbine flow meters, industrial process type
Level and bulk measuring instruments, industrial process typeViscosimeters, industrial process type
Liquid analysis instruments, industrial process typeWater quality monitoring and control systems
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3823Process Control Instruments2,675
382300Process control instruments1,302
38230000Process control instruments1,302
382301Temperature measurement instruments, industrial140
38230100Temperature measurement instruments, industrial61
38230101Pyrometers, industrial process type5
38230102Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process type1
38230103Temperature instruments: industrial process type47
38230104Thermistors, industrial process type7
38230105Thermocouples, industrial process type12
38230106Thermometers, filled system: industrial process type7
382302Pressure measurement instruments, industrial98
38230200Pressure measurement instruments, industrial58
38230201Differential pressure instruments, industrial process type4
38230202Manometers, industrial process type18
38230203Pressure gauges, dial and digital18
382303Industrial flow and liquid measuring instruments181
38230300Industrial flow and liquid measuring instruments47
38230301Flow instruments, industrial process type44
38230302Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process control29
38230303Gas flow computers, industrial process type7
38230304Level and bulk measuring instruments, industrial process14
38230305Liquid level instruments, industrial process type22
38230306Magnetic flow meters, industrial process type5
38230307Primary elements for process flow measurement6
38230308Turbidity instruments, industrial process type0
38230309Turbine flow meters, industrial process type4
38230310Viscosimeters, industrial process type3
382304Industrial process measurement equipment535
38230400Industrial process measurement equipment116
38230401Analyzers, industrial process type25
38230402Annunciators, relay and solid state types1
38230403Computer interface equipment, for industrial process control93
38230404Controllers, for process variables, all types57
38230405Coulometric analyzers, industrial process type4
38230406Data loggers, industrial process type16
38230407Density and specific gravity instruments, industrial process1
38230408Digital displays of process variables70
38230409Draft gauges, industrial process type10
38230410Electrodes used in industrial process measurement7
38230411Electrolytic conductivity instruments, industrial process7
38230412Hydrometers, industrial process type3
38230413Infrared instruments, industrial process type17
38230414Panelboard indicators, recorders and controllers: receiver10
38230415Programmers, process type39
38230416Refractometers, industrial process type4
38230417Telemetering instruments, industrial process type6
38230418Thermal conductivity instruments, industrial process type34
38230419Time cycle and program controllers, industrial process type6
38230420Transmitters of process variables, stand. signal conversion9
382305On-stream gas/liquid analysis instruments, industrial231
38230500On-stream gas/liquid analysis instruments, industrial23
38230501Absorption analyzers: infrared, x-ray, etc.: industrial14
38230502Chromatographs, industrial process type5
38230503Liquid analysis instruments, industrial process type10
38230504Liquid concentration instruments, industrial process type1
38230505PH instruments, industrial process type1
38230506Water quality monitoring and control systems177
382399Process control instruments, nec188
38239901Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marine type13
38239902Buoyancy instruments, industrial process type3
38239903Combustion control instruments28
38239904Humidity instruments, industrial process type5
38239905Industrial process control instruments122
38239906Moisture meters, industrial process type12
38239907Nuclear reactor controls3
38239908Potentiometric self-balancing inst., except X-Y plotters2