SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3625—Relays and Industrial Controls
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing relays; motor starters and controllers; and other industrial controls and control accessories. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing automatic temperature controls are classified in Industry 3822, and those manufacturing industrial process control instruments are classified in Industry 3823.

Armature relaysMotor control centers
Control circuit devices: magnet and solid-stateMotor controls, electric
Control circuit relays, industrialMotor starters, contactors, and controllers, industrial
Controls and control accessories, industrialNumerical controls
Controls for adjustable speed drivesRelays
Crane and hoist controls, including metal millRheostats, industrial control
Electromagnetic brakes and clutchesSolenoid switches, industrial
Industrial controls: push button, selector switches, and pilotTiming devices, mechanical and solid-state, except clockwork
Marine and navy auxiliary controlsTruck controls, industrial battery
Motor control accessories, including overload relaysVacuum relays
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3625Relays and Industrial Controls1,798
362500Relays and industrial controls480
36250000Relays and industrial controls480
362501Motor controls and accessories236
36250100Motor controls and accessories135
36250101Motor control accessories, including overload relays17
36250102Motor control centers10
36250103Motor controls, electric49
36250104Motor starters and controllers, electric18
36250105Starter, electric motor7
362502Industrial electrical relays and switches190
36250200Industrial electrical relays and switches53
36250201Armature relays0
36250202Control circuit relays, industrial17
36250203Flow actuated electrical switches10
36250204Relays, electric power9
36250205Relays, for electronic use17
36250206Solenoid switches (industrial controls)5
36250207Switches, electric power26
36250208Switches, electronic applications52
36250209Vacuum relays1
362599Relays and industrial controls, nec892
36259901Actuators, industrial67
36259902Brakes, electromagnetic8
36259903Control circuit devices, magnet and solid state20
36259904Control equipment, electric292
36259905Controls for adjustable speed drives11
36259906Crane and hoist controls, including metal mill24
36259907Electric controls and control accessories, industrial207
36259908Electromagnetic clutches or brakes10
36259909Industrial controls: push button, selector switches, pilot85
36259910Marine and navy auxiliary controls31
36259911Noise control equipment45
36259912Numerical controls19
36259913Positioning controls, electric7
36259914Resistance welder controls3
36259915Resistors and resistor units8
36259917Timing devices, electronic41
36259918Truck controls, industrial battery13