Industry: 3612—Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformers
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing power, distribution, instrument, and specialty transformers. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing radio frequency or voice frequency electronic transformers, coils, or chokes are classified in Industry 3677, and those manufacturing resistance welder transformers are classified in Industry 3548.
Airport lighting transformers | Line voltage regulators |
Auto-transformers for switchboards, except telephone switchboards | Luminous tube transformers |
Auto-transformers, electric (power transformers) | Machine tool transformers |
Ballasts for lighting fixtures | Ratio transformers |
Control transformers | Rectifier transformers |
Current limiting reactors, electrical | Signaling transformers electric |
Distribution transformers electric | Specialty transformers |
Doorbell transformers, electric | Street lighting transformers |
Electric furnace transformers | Toy transformers |
Feeder voltage regulators and boosters (electric transformers) | Transformers, electric power |
Fluorescent ballasts (transformers) | Transformers, for electronic meters |
Generator voltage regulators electric induction and step type | Transformers, reactor |
Ignition transformers | Tripping transformers |
Instrument transformers except portable | Vibrators interrupter |
Isolation transformers | Voltage regulating transformers electric power |
Lighting transformers, fluorescent | Voltage regulators, transmission and distribution |
Lighting transformers, street and airport | |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
36120000 | Power, distribution and specialty transformers | 356 |
36120100 | Power and distribution transformers | 88 |
36120101 | Autotransformers, electric (power transformers) | 11 |
36120102 | Control transformers | 8 |
36120103 | Current limiting reactors, electrical | 14 |
36120104 | Distribution transformers, electric | 53 |
36120105 | Feeder voltage boosters (electric transformers) | 4 |
36120106 | Feeder voltage regulators (electric transformers) | 1 |
36120107 | Generator voltage regulators | 13 |
36120108 | Line voltage regulators | 9 |
36120109 | Power transformers, electric | 71 |
36120110 | Transmission and distribution voltage regulators | 16 |
36120111 | Voltage regulating transformers, electric power | 32 |
36120112 | Voltage regulators, transmission and distribution | 16 |
36120200 | Lamp ballasts | 0 |
36120201 | Ballasts for lighting fixtures | 15 |
36120202 | Fluorescent ballasts | 3 |
36120300 | Specialty transformers | 37 |
36120301 | Airport lighting transformers | 1 |
36120302 | Autotransformers for switchboards (exc. tele. switchboards) | 1 |
36120303 | Doorbell transformers, electric | 4 |
36120304 | Electric furnace transformers | 2 |
36120305 | Electronic meter transformers | 10 |
36120306 | Fluorescent lighting transformers | 5 |
36120307 | Ignition transformers, for use on domestic fuel burners | 2 |
36120308 | Lighting transformers, fluorescent | 8 |
36120309 | Lighting transformers, street and airport | 2 |
36120310 | Luminous tube transformers | 0 |
36120311 | Machine tool transformers | 5 |
36120313 | Reactor transformers | 2 |
36120314 | Rectifier transformers | 4 |
36120315 | Signaling transformers, electric | 7 |
36120316 | Toy transformers | 3 |
36120317 | Tripping transformers | 1 |
36129901 | Instrument transformers (except portable) | 4 |
36129902 | Saturable reactors | 1 |
36129903 | Vibrators, interrupter | 4 |