SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3579—Office Machines, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing office machines and de-vices, not elsewhere classified, including typewriters and word processing equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing photocopy and microfilm equipment are classified in Industry 3861.

Address labeling machinesPaper cutters and trimmers (hand office equipment)
Addressing machines, plates and plate embossersPencil sharpeners
Binding machines, plastics and adhesive: for store or office usePerforators (office machines)
Canceling machinery, post officePostage meters
Check writing, endorsing, signing, numbering, and protectingPunches, paper: hand
Coin wrapping machinesRegisters, autographic
Collating machines for store or office useScalers for gummed tape: hand
Dating devices and machines, except rubber stampsShorthand machines
Dictating machines, office typesSlipsheeting machines
Duplicating machinesSorters, filing: office
Embossing machines for store and office useStaple removers
Envelope stuffing, sealing, and addressing machinesStapling machines, office
Forms handling equipment for store and office useTicket counting machines
Gummed tape moisteners for store and office useTime-stamps containing clock mechanisms
Letter folding, stuffing, and sealing machinesTimeclocks and time recording devices
List finders, automaticTypewriters
Mail tying (bundling) machinesVoting machines
Mailing machinesWord processing equipment
Numbering machines, office and store: mechanical
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3579Office Machines, Nec406
357900Office machines, nec41
35790000Office machines, nec41
357901Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines176
35790100Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines51
35790101Address labeling machines3
35790102Addressing machines, plates and plate embossers5
35790103Envelope stuffing, sealing, and addressing machines6
35790104Forms handling equipment8
35790105Letter folding, stuffing, and sealing machines3
35790106Mail tying (bundling) machines0
35790107Mailing machines30
35790108Postage meters70
357902Typing and word processing machines18
35790200Typing and word processing machines12
35790201Typewriters and parts1
35790202Word processing equipment5
357903Paper handling machines56
35790300Paper handling machines9
35790301Binding machines, plastic and adhesive15
35790302Collating machines for store and office use0
35790303Embossing machines for store and office use8
35790304Paper cutters, trimmers, and punches8
35790305Perforators (office machines)12
35790306Stapling machines (hand or power)4
357999Office machines, nec, nec115
35799901Canceling machinery, post office4
35799902Check writing, endorsing, or signing machines3
35799903Coin wrapping machines1
35799904Dating and numbering devices6
35799905Dictating machines10
35799906Duplicating machines12
35799907Pencil sharpeners0
35799908Shorthand machines1
35799909Sorters, filing (office)11
35799910Staple removers0
35799911Ticket counting machines4
35799912Time clocks and time recording devices43
35799913Voting machines20