SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3571—Electronic Computers
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electronic computers. Electronic computers are machines which: (1) store the processing program or programs and the data immediately necessary for execution of the program; (2) can be freely programmed in accordance with the requirements of the user; (3) perform arithmetical computations specified by the user; and (4) execute, without human intervention, a processing program which requires them to modify their execution by logical decision during the processing run. Included in this industry are digital computers, analog computers, and hybrid digital/analog computers. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing machinery or equipment which incorporate computers or a central processing unit for the purpose of performing functions such as measuring, displaying, or controlling process variables are classified based on the manufactured end product.

Computers: digital, analog, and hybridMinicomputers
Mainframe computersPersonal computers
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3571Electronic Computers2,042
357100Electronic computers1,320
35710000Electronic computers1,320
357199Electronic computers, nec722
35719901Computers, digital, analog or hybrid251
35719902Mainframe computers31
35719904Personal computers (microcomputers)363