SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3568—Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mechanical power transmission equipment and parts, for industrial machinery. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing motor vehicle power transmission equipment are classified in Industry 3714; those manufacturing aircraft power transmission equipment are classified in Industry 3728; those manufacturing ball and roller bearings are classified in Industry 3562; and those manufacturing speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears are classified in Industry 3566.

Ball joints, except motor vehicle and aircraftJoints, swivel: except motor vehicle and aircraft
Bearings, plainJoints, universal: except motor vehicle
Belting, chainPillow blocks, with plain bearings
Chain, power transmissionPivots, power transmission
Clutches, except motor vehiclePulleys, power transmission
Collars, shaft (power transmission equipment)Railroad car journal bearings, plain
Couplings, shaft rigid, flexible, universal joint, etc.Shafts, flexible
Drive chains, bicycle and motorcycleSprockets (power transmission equipment)
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3568Power Transmission Equipment, Nec458
356800Power transmission equipment, nec242
35680000Power transmission equipment, nec242
356801Bearings, bushings, and blocks55
35680100Bearings, bushings, and blocks30
35680101Bearings, plain17
35680102Pillow blocks with plain bearings2
35680103Railroad car journal bearings6
356802Joints and couplings56
35680200Joints and couplings10
35680201Ball joints, except aircraft and auto2
35680202Couplings, shaft: rigid, flexible, universal joint, etc.33
35680203Joints, swivel and universal, except aircraft and auto11
356803Drives, chains, and sprockets50
35680300Drives, chains, and sprockets9
35680301Belting, chain10
35680302Chain, power transmission9
35680303Drive chains, bicycle or motorcycle4
35680304Drives: belt, cable, or rope3
35680305Sprockets (power transmission equipment)15
356899Power transmission equipment, nec, nec55
35689901Clutches, except vehicular28
35689902Collars, shaft (power transmission equipment)3
35689903Pivots, power transmission5
35689904Pulleys, power transmission9
35689905Shafts, flexible10