SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3537—Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, stackers (truck type), and related equipment, used for handling materials on floors and paved surfaces in and around industrial and commercial plants, depots, docks, airports, and terminals. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing motor vehicles and motor vehicle type trailers are classified in Industry Group 371; those manufacturing farm type wheel tractors are classified in Industry 3523; those manufacturing tractor shovel loaders and tracklaying tractors are classified in Industry 3531; and those manufacturing wood pallets and skids are classified in Industry 2448.

Adapters for multiweapon rack loading on aircraftLift trucks, industrial: fork, platform, straddle, etc.
Aircraft engine cradlesMobile straddle carriers
Aircraft loading hoistsPallet assemblies for landing mats
Boat cradlesPallet loaders and unloaders
Bomb liftsPalletizers and depalletizers
Bomb trucksPallets, metal
Cabs for industrial trucks and tractorsPlatforms, cargo: metal
Cars, industrial: except automotive cars and trucks and mining carsRamps, aircraft-loading
Containers, air cargo: metalRamps, loading: portable, adjustable, and hydraulic
Cranes, mobile industrial truckShacking carts
Die and strip handlersSkid boxes, metal
Docks, loading: portable, adjustable, and hydraulicSkids, metal
Dollies (hand or power trucks), industrial: except miningStackers, power (industrial truck stackers)
Drum cradlesStacking machines, automatic
Engine stands and racks, metalStands, ground servicing aircraft
Forklift trucksStraddle carriers, mobile
Hoists, aircraft loadingTables, lift: hydraulic
Hoppers, end dumpTractors, industrial: for use in plants, depots, docks, and terminals
Hospital dolliesTruck trailers for use in plants, depots, docks, and terminals
Industrial truck cranesTrucks, industrial (except mining): for freight, baggage, etc.
Industrial trucks and tractorsTunnel kiln cars
Laundry containers on wheels
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3537Industrial Trucks and Tractors5,775
353700Industrial trucks and tractors389
35370000Industrial trucks and tractors389
353701Platforms, stands, tables, pallets, and similar equipment159
35370100Platforms, stands, tables, pallets, and similar equipment27
35370101Aircraft engine cradles4
35370102Containers (metal), air cargo33
35370103Cradles, boat5
35370104Cradles, drum3
35370105Engine stands and racks, metal11
35370106Loading docks: portable, adjustable, and hydraulic26
35370107Pallets, metal10
35370108Platforms, cargo11
35370109Skid boxes, metal1
35370110Skids, metal12
35370111Stands, ground servicing aircraft6
35370112Tables, lift: hydraulic10
353702Trucks, tractors, loaders, carriers, and similar equipment5,227
35370200Trucks, tractors, loaders, carriers, and similar equipment2,012
35370201Aircraft loading hoists7
35370202Bomb lifts and trucks2
35370203Cabs, for industrial trucks and tractors37
35370204Cars and trucks, for industrial mining5
35370205Cranes, industrial truck26
35370206Die and strip handlers0
35370207Dollies (hand or power trucks), industrial,except mining22
35370208Forklift trucks290
35370209Hoppers, end dump8
35370210Lift trucks, industrial: fork, platform, straddle, etc.133
35370211Pallet loaders and unloaders6
35370212Palletizers and depalletizers7
35370213Stackers, power (industrial truck stackers)3
35370214Stacking machines, automatic4
35370215Straddle carriers, mobile3
35370216Tractors, used in plants, docks,terminals, etc.: industrial11
35370217Truck trailers, used in plants, docks, terminals, etc.200
35370218Trucks: freight, baggage, etc.: industrial, except mining2,451