SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3534—Elevators and Moving Stairways
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing passenger or freight elevators, automobile lifts, dumbwaiters, and moving stairways. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing commercial conveyor systems and equipment are classified in Industry 3535, and those manufacturing farm elevators are classified in Industry 3523.

Automobile lifts (elevators)Escalators, passenger and freight
DumbwaitersLifts (elevators), passenger and freight
Elevator frontsStair elevators: motor powered
Elevators and elevator equipment, passenger and freightStairways, moving
Elevators, powered: nonfarmWalkways, moving
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3534Elevators and Moving Stairways336
353400Elevators and moving stairways131
35340000Elevators and moving stairways131
353401Elevators and equipment186
35340100Elevators and equipment160
35340101Automobile elevators7
35340102Stair elevators, motor powered19
353499Elevators and moving stairways, nec19
35349902Escalators, passenger and freight9
35349903Walkways, moving7