SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3496—Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous fabricated wire products from purchased wire, such as non-insulated wire rope and cable; fencing; screening, netting, paper machine wire cloth; hangers, paper clips, kitchenware, and wire carts. Rolling mills engaged in manufacturing wire products are classified in Major Group 33. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing steel nails and spikes from purchased wire or rod are classified in Industry 3315; those manufacturing nonferrous wire nails and spikes from purchased wire or rod are classified in Industry 3399; those drawing and insulating nonferrous wire are classified in Industry 3357; and those manufacturing wire springs are classified in Industry 3495.

Antisubmarine and torpedo nets, made from purchased wireKitchen wire goods, made from purchased wire
Barbed wire, made from purchased wireLamp frames, wire: made from purchased wire
Baskets, made from purchased wireLath, woven wire: made from purchased wire
Belts, conveyor: made from purchased wireMats and matting, made from purchased wire
Belts, drying made from purchased wireMesh, made from purchased wire
Bird cages, made from purchased wireNetting, woven wire: made from purchased wire
Bottle openers, made from purchased wirePaper clips and fasteners, made from purchased wire
Cable, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wirePaper machine wire cloth, made from purchased wire
Cages, wire: made from purchased wirePartitions and grillework, made from purchased wire
Carts, grocery: made from purchased wirePostal screen wire equipment—mfpm
Chain, welded: made from purchased wirePotato mashers, made from purchased wire
Chain, wire: made from purchased wirePoultry netting, made from purchased wire
Clips and fasteners, made from purchased wireRacks without rigid framework, made from purchased wire
Cloth, woven wire: made from purchased wireRods, gas welding: made from purchased wire
Concrete reinforcing mesh, made from purchased wireRope, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire
Cylinder wire cloth, made from purchased wireScreening, woven wire: made from purchased wire
Delivery cases, made from purchased wireShelving without rigid framework, made from purchased wire
Diamond cloth, made from purchased wireSieves, made from purchased wire
Door mats, made from purchased wireSkid chains, made from purchased wire
Fabrics, woven wire: made from purchased wireSlings, lifting: made from purchased wire
Fencing, made from purchased wireSpiral cloth, made from purchased wire
Florists' designs, made from purchased wireStaples, wire: made from purchased wire
Fourdrinier wire cloth, made from purchased wireStrand, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire
Gates, fence: made from purchased wireTies, bale: made from purchased wire
Grilles and grillework, woven wire: made from purchased wireTire chains, made from purchased wire
Guards, made from purchased wireTraps, animal and fish: made from purchased wire
Hangers, garment: made from purchased wireTrays, made from purchased wire
Hardware cloth, woven wire: made from purchased wireWire and wire products mfpm: except insulated wire, and nails and spikes
Hog rings, made from purchased wireWire winding of purchased wire
Insect screening, woven wire: made from purchased wireWire, concrete reinforcing: made from purchased wire
Key rings, made from purchased wireWoven wire products, made from purchased wire
Keys, can: made from purchased wire
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3496Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products1,421
349600Miscellaneous fabricated wire products798
34960000Miscellaneous fabricated wire products798
349601Wire cloth and woven wire products192
34960100Wire cloth and woven wire products36
34960101Cylinder wire cloth8
34960102Diamond cloth5
34960103Fabrics, woven wire12
34960104Fourdrinier wire cloth0
34960105Grilles and grillework, woven wire22
34960106Hardware cloth, woven wire1
34960107Lath, woven wire2
34960108Mats and matting12
34960109Mesh, made from purchased wire24
34960110Netting, woven wire: made from purchased wire5
34960111Screening, woven wire: made from purchased wire26
34960112Spiral cloth, made from purchased wire0
34960113Woven wire products, nec39
349602Wire chain38
34960200Wire chain10
34960201Chain, welded7
34960202Tire chains21
349603Wire fasteners69
34960300Wire fasteners10
34960301Clips and fasteners, made from purchased wire26
34960302Paper clips, made from purchased wire0
34960303Slings, lifting: made from purchased wire33
349699Miscellaneous fabricated wire products, nec324
34969901Barbed wire, made from purchased wire2
34969902Cable, uninsulated wire: made from purchased wire54
34969903Cages, wire52
34969904Concrete reinforcing mesh and wire18
34969905Conveyor belts80
34969906Fencing, made from purchased wire42
34969907Garment hangers, made from purchased wire6
34969908Gas welding rods3
34969909Grocery carts, made from purchased wire10
34969910Kitchen wire goods3
34969911Lamp frames, wire2
34969912Shelving, made from purchased wire18
34969913Staples, made from purchased wire2
34969914Traps, animal and fish26
34969915Wire winding6