SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3469—Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal stampings and spun products, not elsewhere classified, including porcelain enameled products. Products of this industry include household appliance housings and parts; cooking and kitchen utensils; and other nonautomotive job stampings.

Appliance parts, porcelain enameledKitchen utensils, stamped and pressed metal
Ashcans, stamped and pressed metalLunch boxes, stamped metal
Ashtrays, stamped metalMachine parts, stamped and pressed metal
Automobile license tags, stamped metalMail boxes, except collection boxes
Bottle openers, stamped metalPails, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned and shipping type
Capacitor and condenser cans and cases: stamped metalPans, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned
Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metalPatterns on metal
Chassis, radio and television: stamped metalPerforated metal, stamped
Cookers, pressure: stamped or drawnPerforating on light metal
Cooking ware, porcelain enameledRigidizing metal
Electronic enclosures: stamped or pressedSpinning metal, for the trade
Fins, tube: stamped metalStamping metal, for the trade
Floor tile, stamped metalStore fronts, porcelain enameled
Furniture components, porcelain enameledStove parts, porcelain enameled
Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metalTable tops, porcelain enameled
Helmets, steelTeakettles, except electric: stamped metal
Honeycombed metalTool boxes, stamped metal
Household utensils, stamped and pressed metalUtensils, metal, except cast: household, commercial, and hospital
Housings for business machines, stamped metalUtensils, porcelain enameled: household, commercial, and hospital
Ice cream dippersWashing machine parts, porcelain enameled
Ironer parts, porcelain enameledWastebaskets, stamped metal
Kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3469Metal Stampings, Nec2,813
346900Metal stampings, nec465
34690000Metal stampings, nec465
346901Household cooking and kitchen utensils, metal141
34690100Household cooking and kitchen utensils, metal47
34690101Bottle openers, stamped metal6
34690102Kitchen fixtures and equipment: metal, except cast aluminum71
34690103Utensils, household: metal, except cast8
34690104Cooking ware, except porcelain enameled9
346902Household cooking and kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled35
34690200Household cooking and kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled12
34690201Cooking ware, porcelain enameled3
34690202Kitchen fixtures and equipment, porcelain enameled19
34690203Utensils, household: porcelain enameled1
346903Porcelain enameled products and utensils65
34690300Porcelain enameled products and utensils24
34690301Appliance parts, porcelain enameled8
34690302Architectural panels or parts, porcelain enameled11
34690303Enameled ware, except plumbers' supplies: porcelain5
34690304Furniture components, porcelain enameled11
34690305Table tops, porcelain enameled6
346904Boxes, stamped metal40
34690400Boxes, stamped metal6
34690401Boxes: tool, lunch, mail, etc.: stamped metal31
34690402Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal3
346999Metal stampings, nec, nec2,067
34699901Ash trays, stamped metal4
34699902Automobile license tags, stamped metal150
34699903Capacitor or condenser cans and cases, stamped metal3
34699904Electronic enclosures, stamped or pressed metal55
34699905Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal7
34699906Helmets, steel15
34699907Honeycombed metal3
34699908Machine parts, stamped or pressed metal483
34699909Ornamental metal stampings14
34699910Patterns on metal24
34699911Perforated metal, stamped27
34699912Pressure cookers, stamped or drawn metal1
34699913Radio or television chassis, stamped metal2
34699914Rigidizing metal1
34699915Spinning metal for the trade64
34699916Stamping metal for the trade1,204
34699917Tile, floor, or wall: stamped metal8
34699918Tube fins, stamped metal2