Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal stampings and spun products, not elsewhere classified, including porcelain enameled products. Products of this industry include household appliance housings and parts; cooking and kitchen utensils; and other nonautomotive job stampings.
Appliance parts, porcelain enameled | Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed metal |
Ashcans, stamped and pressed metal | Lunch boxes, stamped metal |
Ashtrays, stamped metal | Machine parts, stamped and pressed metal |
Automobile license tags, stamped metal | Mail boxes, except collection boxes |
Bottle openers, stamped metal | Pails, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned and shipping type |
Capacitor and condenser cans and cases: stamped metal | Pans, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned |
Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal | Patterns on metal |
Chassis, radio and television: stamped metal | Perforated metal, stamped |
Cookers, pressure: stamped or drawn | Perforating on light metal |
Cooking ware, porcelain enameled | Rigidizing metal |
Electronic enclosures: stamped or pressed | Spinning metal, for the trade |
Fins, tube: stamped metal | Stamping metal, for the trade |
Floor tile, stamped metal | Store fronts, porcelain enameled |
Furniture components, porcelain enameled | Stove parts, porcelain enameled |
Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal | Table tops, porcelain enameled |
Helmets, steel | Teakettles, except electric: stamped metal |
Honeycombed metal | Tool boxes, stamped metal |
Household utensils, stamped and pressed metal | Utensils, metal, except cast: household, commercial, and hospital |
Housings for business machines, stamped metal | Utensils, porcelain enameled: household, commercial, and hospital |
Ice cream dippers | Washing machine parts, porcelain enameled |
Ironer parts, porcelain enameled | Wastebaskets, stamped metal |
Kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled | |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
34690000 | Metal stampings, nec | 465 |
34690100 | Household cooking and kitchen utensils, metal | 47 |
34690101 | Bottle openers, stamped metal | 6 |
34690102 | Kitchen fixtures and equipment: metal, except cast aluminum | 71 |
34690103 | Utensils, household: metal, except cast | 8 |
34690104 | Cooking ware, except porcelain enameled | 9 |
34690200 | Household cooking and kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled | 12 |
34690201 | Cooking ware, porcelain enameled | 3 |
34690202 | Kitchen fixtures and equipment, porcelain enameled | 19 |
34690203 | Utensils, household: porcelain enameled | 1 |
34690300 | Porcelain enameled products and utensils | 24 |
34690301 | Appliance parts, porcelain enameled | 8 |
34690302 | Architectural panels or parts, porcelain enameled | 11 |
34690303 | Enameled ware, except plumbers' supplies: porcelain | 5 |
34690304 | Furniture components, porcelain enameled | 11 |
34690305 | Table tops, porcelain enameled | 6 |
34690400 | Boxes, stamped metal | 6 |
34690401 | Boxes: tool, lunch, mail, etc.: stamped metal | 31 |
34690402 | Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal | 3 |
34699901 | Ash trays, stamped metal | 4 |
34699902 | Automobile license tags, stamped metal | 150 |
34699903 | Capacitor or condenser cans and cases, stamped metal | 3 |
34699904 | Electronic enclosures, stamped or pressed metal | 55 |
34699905 | Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal | 7 |
34699906 | Helmets, steel | 15 |
34699907 | Honeycombed metal | 3 |
34699908 | Machine parts, stamped or pressed metal | 483 |
34699909 | Ornamental metal stampings | 14 |
34699910 | Patterns on metal | 24 |
34699911 | Perforated metal, stamped | 27 |
34699912 | Pressure cookers, stamped or drawn metal | 1 |
34699913 | Radio or television chassis, stamped metal | 2 |
34699914 | Rigidizing metal | 1 |
34699915 | Spinning metal for the trade | 64 |
34699916 | Stamping metal for the trade | 1,204 |
34699917 | Tile, floor, or wall: stamped metal | 8 |
34699918 | Tube fins, stamped metal | 2 |