SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3449—Miscellaneous Structural Metal Work
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous structural metal work, such as metal plaster bases, fabricated bar joists, and concrete reinforcing bars. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in custom roll forming of metal.

Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steelLanding mats, aircraft: metal
Curtain wall, metalLath, expanded metal
Custom roll formed products, metalPlastering accessories, metal
Joists, fabricated bar
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3449Miscellaneous Metalwork977
344900Miscellaneous metalwork536
34490000Miscellaneous metalwork536
344901Fabricated bar joists and concrete reinforcing bars372
34490100Fabricated bar joists and concrete reinforcing bars30
34490101Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel330
34490102Joists, fabricated bar12
344902Metal plaster bases11
34490201Lath, expanded metal5
34490202Plastering accessories, metal4
344999Miscellaneous metalwork, nec58
34499901Curtain wall, metal13
34499902Curtain walls for buildings, steel9
34499903Custom roll formed products35
34499904Landing mats, aircraft: metal1