SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3446—Architectural and Ornamental Metal Work
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing architectural and ornamental metal work, such as stairs and staircases, open steel flooring (grating), fire escapes, grilles, railings, and fences and gates, except those made from wire. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fences and gates from purchased wire are classified in Industry 3496; those manufacturing prefabricated metal buildings and parts are classified in Industry 3448; and those manufacturing miscellaneous metal work are classified in Industry 3449.

Acoustical suspension systems, metalLadders, for permanent installation metal
Balconies, metalLamp posts, metal
Bank fixtures, ornamental metalLintels, light gauge steel
Bannisters, railings, guards, etc: made from metal pipeOrnamental and architectural metal work
Brasswork, ornamental structuralPartitions and grillework, ornamental metal
Channels, furringPipe bannisters, railings, and guards
Elevator guide rails, metalPurlins, light gauge steel
Fences and posts, ornamental iron and steelRailings, prefabricated metal
Fire escapes, metalRegisters, air: metal
Flagpoles, metalScaffolds metal (mobile or stationary)
Flooring, open steel (grating)Stair railings, metal
Gates, ornamental metalStaircases, prefabricated metal
Gratings (open steel flooring)Stairs, prefabricated metal
Gratings, tread fabricated metalTreads, stair: fabricated metal
Ladders, chain: metal
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3446Architectural Metalwork2,532
344600Architectural metalwork1,260
34460000Architectural metalwork1,260
344601Stairs, fire escapes, balconies, railings, and ladders517
34460100Stairs, fire escapes, balconies, railings, and ladders65
34460101Balconies, metal9
34460102Banisters, made from metal pipe3
34460103Fire escapes, metal11
34460104Guards, made from pipe9
34460105Ladders, chain0
34460106Ladders, for permanent installation: metal50
34460107Railings, banisters, guards, etc: made from metal pipe74
34460108Railings, prefabricated metal85
34460109Stairs, staircases, stair treads: prefabricated metal211
344602Open flooring and grating for construction57
34460200Open flooring and grating for construction18
34460201Gratings, open steel flooring12
34460202Gratings, tread: fabricated metal27
344603Fences, gates, posts, and flagpoles340
34460300Fences, gates, posts, and flagpoles101
34460301Fences or posts, ornamental iron or steel141
34460302Flagpoles, metal13
34460303Gates, ornamental metal81
34460304Lamp posts, metal4
344604Partitions and supports/studs, including accoustical systems47
34460400Partitions and supports/studs, including accoustical systems15
34460401Acoustical suspension systems, metal23
34460402Lintels, light gauge steel4
34460403Partitions, ornamental metal4
34460404Purlins, light gauge steel1
344605Channels, louvers, and registers17
34460500Channels, louvers, and registers1
34460501Channels, furring1
34460502Louvers, ventilating9
34460503Registers (air), metal6
344606Ornamental metalwork262
34460600Ornamental metalwork226
34460601Bank fixtures, ornamental metal5
34460602Brasswork, ornamental: structural12
34460603Grillwork, ornamental metal19
344699Architectural metalwork, nec32
34469901Elevator guide rails3
34469902Scaffolds, mobile or stationary: metal29