Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing sheet metal work for buildings (not including fabrication work done by construction contractors at the place of construction), and manufacturing stovepipes, light tanks, and other products of sheet metal.
Air cowls, scoops, or airports (ship ventilators), sheet metal | Housings for business machines, sheet metal except stamped |
Awnings, sheet metal | Irrigation pipe, sheet metal |
Bins, prefabricated: sheet metal | Joists, sheet metal |
Booths, spray prefabricated sheet metal | Laundry hampers, sheet metal |
Canopies, sheet metal | Louvers, sheet metal |
Casings, sheet metal | Machine guards, sheet metal |
Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal | Mail chutes, sheet metal |
Cooling towers, sheet metal | Mail collection or storage boxes, sheet metal |
Cornices, sheet metal | Pile shells, sheet metal |
Culverts, sheet metal | Pipe, sheet metal |
Dampers, sheet metal | Post office collection boxes |
Door hoods, aluminum | Radiator shields and enclosures, sheet metal |
Downspouts, sheet metal | Restaurant sheet metal work |
Ducts, sheet metal | Roof deck, sheet metal |
Eaves, sheet metal | Sheet metal specialties, not stamped |
Elbows for conductor pipe, hot air ducts, and stovepipe: sheet metal | Siding, sheet metal |
Flooring, cellular steel | Skylights, sheet metal |
Flues, stove and furnace: sheet metal | Spouts, sheet metal |
Flumes, sheet metal | Stove boards, sheet metal |
Forming machine work for the trade except stampings: sheet metal | Stove pipe and flues, sheet metal |
Forms for concrete, sheet metal | Studs, sheet metal |
Furnace casings, sheet metal | Troughs, elevator: sheet metal |
Guardrails, highway: sheet metal | Vats, sheet metal |
Gutters, sheet metal | Ventilators, sheet metal |
Hoods, range sheet metal | Wells, light: sheet metal |
Hoppers, sheet metal | |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
34440000 | Sheet metalwork | 3,500 |
34440100 | Culverts, flumes, and pipes | 13 |
34440101 | Culverts, sheet metal | 27 |
34440102 | Flumes, sheet metal | 3 |
34440103 | Irrigation pipe, sheet metal | 6 |
34440104 | Pipe, sheet metal | 36 |
34440200 | Metal ventilating equipment | 77 |
34440201 | Cowls or scoops, air (ship ventilators): sheet metal | 1 |
34440202 | Ducts, sheet metal | 210 |
34440203 | Elbows, for air ducts, stovepipes, etc.: sheet metal | 11 |
34440204 | Flues and pipes, stove or furnace: sheet metal | 11 |
34440205 | Ventilators, sheet metal | 30 |
34440300 | Metal roofing and roof drainage equipment | 135 |
34440301 | Downspouts, sheet metal | 7 |
34440302 | Eaves, sheet metal | 1 |
34440303 | Gutters, sheet metal | 107 |
34440304 | Roof deck, sheet metal | 84 |
34440305 | Skylights, sheet metal | 33 |
34440306 | Spouts, sheet metal | 2 |
34440400 | Metal flooring and siding | 13 |
34440401 | Cornices, sheet metal | 1 |
34440402 | Flooring, cellular steel | 6 |
34440403 | Siding, sheet metal | 33 |
34440500 | Metal housings, enclosures, casings, and other containers | 112 |
34440501 | Bins, prefabricated sheet metal | 14 |
34440502 | Booths, spray: prefabricated sheet metal | 30 |
34440503 | Casings, sheet metal | 16 |
34440504 | Furnace casings, sheet metal | 5 |
34440505 | Hoods, range: sheet metal | 17 |
34440506 | Hoppers, sheet metal | 5 |
34440507 | Housings for business machines, sheet metal | 16 |
34440508 | Laundry hampers, sheet metal | 1 |
34440509 | Machine guards, sheet metal | 17 |
34440510 | Mail (post office) collection or storage boxes, sheet metal | 51 |
34440511 | Radiator shields or enclosures, sheet metal | 5 |
34440512 | Vats, sheet metal | 1 |
34440600 | Awnings and canopies | 74 |
34440601 | Awnings, sheet metal | 60 |
34440602 | Canopies, sheet metal | 20 |
34440603 | Door hoods, aluminum | 5 |
34449901 | Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal | 9 |
34449902 | Concrete forms, sheet metal | 71 |
34449903 | Cooling towers, sheet metal | 8 |
34449904 | Forming machine work, sheet metal | 61 |
34449905 | Guard rails, highway: sheet metal | 10 |
34449906 | Mail chutes, sheet metal | 3 |
34449907 | Pile shells, sheet metal | 2 |
34449908 | Restaurant sheet metalwork | 46 |
34449909 | Sheet metal specialties, not stamped | 840 |
34449910 | Stove boards, sheet metal | 1 |
34449911 | Studs and joists, sheet metal | 26 |
34449912 | Wells, light: sheet metal | 5 |