SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3429—Hardware, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous metal products usually termed hardware, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing bolts and nuts are classified in Industry 3452; those manufacturing nails and spikes are classified in Major Group 33, those manufacturing cutlery are classified in Industry 3421; those manufacturing handtools are classified in Industry 3423; and those manufacturing pole line and transmission hardware are classified in Industry Group 364.

AndironsKey blanks
Angle irons, hardwareKeys
Animal traps, iron and steel except wireLadder jacks, metal
Bellows, handLocks and lock sets except safe, vault and coin-operated
Brackets iron and steelLocks, trigger, for guns
Builders hardware, including locks and lock setsLuggage hardware
Cabinet hardware, including locks and lock setsLuggage racks, car top
Car seals, metalMarine hardware
Casket hardwareMetal fasteners, spring and cold-rolled steel, not made in rolling mills
Casters, industrialMotor vehicle hardware
Chain fittingsNozzles, fire fighting
Chair glidesNut crackers and pickers, metal
Clamps, hoseOrgan hardware
Clamps, metalPadlocks
Couplings, hoseParachute hardware
Crab traps, steel: except wirePiano hardware
Cuffs, leg ironPulleys, metal except power transmission equipment
Door bolts and checksRope fittings
Door locks and lock setsSaddlery hardware
Door opening and closing devices except electricalSleeper mechanisms, for convertible beds
Dzus fastenersSuitcase hardware, including locks
Fireplace equipment (hardware)Tackle blocks, metal
Furniture hardware, including castersThimbles, wire rope
Gun trigger locksTime locks
HandcuffsTrimmings, trunk metal
Harness hardwareTrunk hardware, including locks
Hinge tubesTurnbuckles
HingesUtility carriers, car top
Horse bitsVacuum bottles and jugs
Ice chests or coolers, portable, except insulated foam plasticsVehicle hardware aircraft, automobile, railroad, etc
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3429Hardware, Nec1,878
342900Hardware, nec512
34290000Hardware, nec512
342901Furniture, builders' and other household hardware394
34290100Furniture, builders' and other household hardware67
34290101Builders' hardware134
34290102Cabinet hardware66
34290103Door opening and closing devices, except electrical27
34290104Fireplace equipment, hardware: andirons, grates, screens36
34290105Furniture hardware53
34290106Hangers, wall hardware11
342902Keys, locks, and related hardware406
34290200Keys, locks, and related hardware220
34290201Door locks, bolts, and checks40
34290202Keys and key blanks9
34290203Locks or lock sets104
34290205Time locks1
34290206Security cable locking system18
342903Motor vehicle hardware93
34290300Motor vehicle hardware61
34290301Bicycle racks, automotive28
34290302Luggage racks, car top3
34290303Ski racks, automotive1
342904Aircraft & marine hardware, inc. pulleys & similar items244
34290400Aircraft & marine hardware, inc. pulleys & similar items25
34290401Aircraft hardware74
34290402Marine hardware127
34290403Pulleys, metal16
34290404Tackle blocks, metal2
342905Clamps, couplings, nozzles, and other metal hose fittings91
34290500Clamps, couplings, nozzles, and other metal hose fittings22
34290501Clamps and couplings, hose17
34290502Clamps, metal42
34290503Nozzles, fire fighting10
342999Hardware, nec, nec138
34299901Animal traps, iron or steel17
34299902Casket hardware4
34299903Crab traps, steel4
34299904Handcuffs and leg irons6
34299905Harness hardware4
34299906Ice chests or coolers, portable, except foam plastic15
34299907Luggage hardware5
34299908Metal fasteners60
34299909Organ hardware0
34299910Parachute hardware9
34299911Piano hardware2
34299912Saddlery hardware1
34299913Vacuum bottles or jugs11