SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3369—Nonferrous Foundries, Except Aluminum and Copper
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing nonferrous metal castings (including alloys), except all die-castings and other castings of aluminum or copper.

Beryllium castings, except die-castingsNonferrous metal foundries, except aluminum, copper, and die
Castings, except die-castings and castings of aluminum and copperNonferrous metal machinery castings: except aluminum, copper, and die-castings
Castings, precision, except die-castings: industrial and aircraftTitanium castings, except die-castings
Machinery castings, nonferrous: except aluminum, copper, copperWhite metal castings, except die-castings: lead, antimony, and tin
Magnesium castings, except die-castingsZinc castings, except die-castings
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3369Nonferrous Foundries, Nec309
336900Nonferrous foundries, nec142
33690000Nonferrous foundries, nec142
336901Lead, zinc, and white metal50
33690100Lead, zinc, and white metal1
33690101Lead castings, except die-castings9
33690102White metal castings (lead, tin, antimony), except die28
33690103Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings, except die-castings12
336999Nonferrous foundries, nec, nec117
33699901Aerospace castings, nonferrous: except aluminum37
33699902Castings, except die-castings, precision52
33699903Machinery castings, exc. die, nonferrous, exc. alum. copper17
33699904Magnesium and magnes.-base alloy castings, exc. die-casting3
33699905Titanium castings, except die-casting8