SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3366—Copper Foundries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing copper (including alloys) castings, except die-castings.

Bushings and bearings, except die-castings: brass, bronze, and copperFoundries: brass, bronze, copper, and copper-base alloy—except die-castings
Castings, except die-castings: brass, bronze, copper, and copper-base alloyMachinery castings: brass, copper, and copper-base alloy—except die-castings
Copper and copper-base alloy castings, except die-castingsPropellers, ship and screw: cast brass, bronze, copper, and copper-base—except die-castings
Copper foundries, except die-castings
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3366Copper Foundries453
336600Copper foundries151
33660000Copper foundries151
336601Bushings and bearings36
33660100Bushings and bearings28
33660101Bushings and bearings, brass (nonmachined)2
33660102Bushings and bearings, bronze (nonmachined)5
33660103Bushings and bearings, copper (nonmachined)1
33660201Propellers, ship, nsk4
33660202Propellers, ship: cast brass1
33660203Propellers, ship: cast bronze1
336699Copper foundries, nec180
33669901Brass foundry, nec34
33669902Bronze foundry, nec53
33669903Castings (except die), nec, brass20
33669904Castings (except die), nec, bronze39
33669905Castings (except die), nec, copper and copper-base alloy5
33669906Castings (except die), nsk14
33669907Machinery castings, brass8
33669908Machinery castings, copper or copper-base alloy7