SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3357—Drawing and Insulating of Nonferrous Wire
Establishments primarily engaged in drawing, drawing and insulating, and insulating wire and cable of nonferrous metals from purchased wire bars, rods, or wire. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing insulated fiber optic cable. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass fiber optic materials are classified in Industry 3229, and those manufacturing fabricated wire products from purchased wire are classified in Industry 3496.

Apparatus wire and cord made in wiredrawing plantsMagnet wire, insulated
Automotive and aircraft wire and cable, nonferrousShipboard cable, nonferrous
Cable, nonferrous bare, insulated, or armored—mfpmSignal and control cable, nonferrous
Coaxial cable, nonferrousWeatherproof wire and cable, nonferrous
Communications wire and cable, nonferrousWire cloth, nonferrous: made in wiredrawing plants
Cord sets, flexible made in wiredrawing plantsWire screening, nonferrous: made in wiredrawing plants
Fiber optic cableWire, nonferrous: bare, insulated, or armored—mfpm
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3357Nonferrous Wiredrawing and Insulating666
335700Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating297
33570000Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating297
335701Communication wire230
33570100Communication wire92
33570101Coaxial cable, nonferrous39
33570102Fiber optic cable (insulated)99
335799Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating, nec139
33579901Aircraft wire and cable, nonferrous12
33579902Aluminum wire and cable14
33579903Appliance fixture wire, nonferrous9
33579904Automotive wire and cable, except ignition sets: nonferrous40
33579905Building wire and cable, nonferrous43
33579906Magnet wire, nonferrous14
33579907Shipboard cable, nonferrous7