SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3356—Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum
Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding nonferrous metals other than copper and aluminum. The products of this industry are in the form of basic shapes, such as plate, sheet, strip, bar, and tubing. Establishments primarily engaged in recovering nonferrous metals and alloys from scrap or dross are classified in Industry 3341; those manufacturing gold, silver, tin, and other foils, except aluminum, are classified in Industry 3497; and those manufacturing aluminum foil are classified in Industry 3353.

Battery metalSilver and silver alloy bars, rods, sheets, strip, and tubing
Britannia metal, rolling and drawingSilver rolling and drawing
Extruded shapes, nonferrous metals and alloys, except copper and aluminumSolder wire, bar acid core and rosin core
Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, and tubingTin and tin alloy bars, pipe, rods, sheets, strip, and tubing
Gold rolling and drawingTin rolling and drawing
Lead and lead alloy bars, pipe, plates, rods, sheets, strip, and tubingTitanium and titanium alloy bars, rods, billets, sheets, strip, and tubing
Lead rolling, drawing, and extrudingTitanium from sponge
Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars, rods, shapes, sheets, strip, and tubingTungsten basic shapes
Magnesium rolling, drawing, and extrudingWelding rods
Nickel and nickel alloy pipe, plates, sheets, strips, and tubingWire, nonferrous except copper and aluminum made in rolling mills
Nonferrous rolling, drawing, and extruding except copper and aluminumZinc and zinc alloy bars, plates, pipe, rods, sheets, tubing, and wire
Platinum and platinum alloy sheets and tubingZinc rolling, drawing, and extruding
Platinum-group metals rolling, drawing, and extrudingZirconium and zirconium alloy bars, rods, billets, sheets, strip, and tubing
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3356Nonferrous Rolling and Drawing, Nec627
335600Nonferrous rolling and drawing, nec100
33560000Nonferrous rolling and drawing, nec100
335601Lead and zinc24
33560100Lead and zinc1
33560101Lead and lead alloy bars, pipe, plates, shapes, etc.11
33560102Lead and lead alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding3
33560103Zinc and zinc alloy bars, plates, sheets, etc.8
33560104Zinc and zinc alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding1
335602Precious metals27
33560200Precious metals12
33560201Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, etc.5
33560202Gold and gold alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding6
33560203Platinum group metals: rolling, drawing, or extruding0
33560204Silver and silver alloy bars, rods, sheets, etc.3
33560205Silver and silver alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding1
33560301Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars, sheets, shapes, etc.3
33560302Magnesium and magnesium alloy: rolling, drawing,or extruding2
33560401Nickel and nickel alloy pipe, plates, sheets, etc.9
33560402Nickel and nickel alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding2
33560501Tin and tin alloy bars, pipe, sheets, etc.2
33560502Tin and tin alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding0
33560601Titanium and titanium alloy bars, sheets, strip, etc.10
33560602Titanium and titanium alloy: rolling, drawing, or extruding0
33560701Zirconium and zirconium alloy bars, sheets, strip, etc.0
33560702Zirconium and zirconium alloy: rolling, drawing,or extruding0
335699Nonferrous rolling and drawing, nec, nec81
33569901Battery metal28
33569902Solder: wire, bar, acid core, and rosin core22
33569903Tungsten, basic shapes8
33569904Welding rods23