SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3251—Brick and Structural Clay Tile
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing brick and structural clay tile. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing clay firebrick are classified in Industry 3255; those manufacturing nonclay firebrick are classified in Industry 3297; those manufacturing sand lime brick are classified in Industry 3299; and those manufacturing glass brick are classified in Industry 3229.

Book tile, clayFloor arch tile, clay
Brick: common, face, glazed, vitrified, and hollow-clayFlooring brick, clay
Building tile, clayFurring tile, clay
Ceramic glazed brick, clayPartition tile clay
Chimney blocks, radial-clayPaving brick clay
Corncrib tileSilo tile
Facing tile, claySlumped brick
Fireproofing tile, clayStructural tile, clay
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3251Brick and Structural Clay Tile234
325100Brick and structural clay tile92
32510000Brick and structural clay tile92
325101Structural brick and blocks133
32510100Structural brick and blocks35
32510101Brick clay: common face, glazed, vitrified, or hollow45
32510102Ceramic glazed brick, clay28
32510103Chimney blocks, radial: clay1
32510104Flooring brick, clay6
32510105Paving brick, clay18
325102Structural clay tile9
32510200Structural clay tile1
32510201Book tile, clay0
32510202Building tile, clay2
32510203Corncrib tile1
32510204Facing tile, clay2
32510205Fireproofing tile, clay3
32510206Floor arch tile, clay0
32510208Partition tile, clay0