SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3211—Flat Glass
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing flat glass. This industry also produces laminated glass, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing laminated glass from purchased flat glass are classified in Industry 3231.

Building glass, flatPicture glass
Cathedral glassPlate glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses
Float glassPlate glass, polished and rough
Glass, colored: cathedral and antiqueSheet glass
Glass, flatSheet glass blanks for optical or ophthalmic uses
Insulating glass, sealed units—mitseSkylight glass
Laminated glass, made from glass produced in the same establishmentSpectacle glass
Multiple-glazed insulating units—mitseStructural glass, flat
Opalescent flat glassTempered glass—mitse
Ophthalmic glass, flatWindow glass, clear and colored
Optical glass, flat
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3211Flat Glass619
321100Flat glass184
32110000Flat glass184
321101Transparent optical glass, except lenses18
32110100Transparent optical glass, except lenses6
32110101Ophthalmic glass, flat0
32110102Optical glass, flat11
32110103Spectacle glass1
321102Strengthened or reinforced glass51
32110200Strengthened or reinforced glass7
32110201Laminated glass20
32110202Tempered glass24
321103Construction glass311
32110300Construction glass52
32110301Building glass, flat12
32110302Insulating glass, sealed units32
32110303Skylight glass19
32110304Structural glass12
32110305Window glass, clear and colored184
321104Plate and sheet glass25
32110400Plate and sheet glass13
32110401Plate glass, polished and rough7
32110402Sheet glass5
321199Flat glass, nec30
32119901Antique glass19
32119902Cathedral glass1
32119903Float glass7
32119904Opalescent glass, flat0
32119905Picture glass3