SIC Industry Description

Industry: 3052—Rubber and Plastics Hose and Belting
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rubber and plastics hose and belting, including garden hose. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing rubber tubing are classified in Industry Group 306; those manufacturing plastics tubing are classified in Industry 3082; and those manufacturing flexible metallic hose are classified in Industry 3599.

Air brake and air line hose, rubber or rubberized fabricHeater hose, plastics or rubber
Automobile hose, plastics or rubberHose, plastics or rubber
Belting, rubber e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmissionHose: cotton fabric, rubber lined
Firehose, rubberPneumatic hose, rubber or rubberized fabric e.g., air brake and air line
Garden hose, plastics or rubberVacuum cleaner hose, plastics or rubber
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
3052Rubber and Plastics Hose and Beltings344
305200Rubber and plastics hose and beltings142
30520000Rubber and plastics hose and beltings142
305201Rubber hose105
30520100Rubber hose43
30520101Air line or air brake hose, rubber or rubberized fabric13
30520102Automobile hose, rubber15
30520103Cotton fabric, rubber lined hose4
30520104Fire hose, rubber9
30520105Garden hose, rubber1
30520106Heater hose, rubber0
30520107Hose, pneumatic: rubber or rubberized fabric, nec18
30520108Vacuum cleaner hose, rubber2
305202Plastic hose44
30520200Plastic hose24
30520201Automobile hose, plastic6
30520202Garden hose, plastic11
30520203Heater hose, plastic1
30520204Vacuum cleaner hose, plastic2
305203Rubber belting46
30520300Rubber belting40
30520301Transmission belting, rubber3
30520302V-belts, rubber3
305204Plastic belting7
30520400Plastic belting6
30520401V-belts, plastic1