SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2874—Phosphatic Fertilizers
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing phosphatic fertilizer materials, or mixed fertilizers from phosphatic materials produced in the same establishment. Included are phosphoric acid; normal, enriched, and concentrated super-phosphates; ammonium phosphates; nitro-phosphates; and calcium meta-phosphates.

Ammonium phosphatesFertilizers, mixed: made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer
Calcium meta-phosphatesPhosphoric acid
Defluorinated phosphatesPlant foods, mixed: made in plants producing phosphatic fertilizer
Diammonium phosphatesSuper-phosphates, ammoniated and not ammoniated
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2874Phosphatic Fertilizers113
287400Phosphatic fertilizers81
28740000Phosphatic fertilizers81
28740101Ammonium phosphate2
28740102Calcium meta-phosphate2
28740103Diammonium phosphate0
28740104Phosphoric acid2
28740105Superphosphates, ammoniated or not ammoniated1
287499Phosphatic fertilizers, nec6
28749901Plant foods, mixed: from plants making phosphatic fertilizer6