SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2796—Platemaking and Related Services
Establishments primarily engaged in making plates for printing purposes and in related services. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in making positives or negatives from which offset lithographic plates are made. These establishments do not print from the plates which they make, but prepare them for use by others. Engraving for purposes other than printing is classified in Industry 3479.

Color separations for printingLetterpress plates, preparation of
Electrotype platesLinecuts
Electrotyping for the tradeLithographic plates, positives or negatives: preparation of
Embossing plates for printingOffset plates, positives or negatives: preparation of
Engraving on copper, steel, wood, or rubber plates for printingPhotoengraving for the trade
Engraving on textile printing plates and cylindersPlates and cylinders, rotogravure printing: preparation of
Engraving, steel line: for printing purposesPlates, printing: preparation of
Etching on copper, steel, wood, or rubber plates for printing purposesStereotype plates
Flexographic plates, preparation ofStereotyping for the trade
Gravure plates and cylinders, preparation of
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2796Platemaking Services348
279600Platemaking services127
27960000Platemaking services127
279601Gravure platemaking services7
27960100Gravure platemaking services1
27960101Gravure printing plates or cylinders, preparation of5
27960102Plates and cylinders for rotogravure printing1
279602Engraving platemaking services121
27960200Engraving platemaking services31
27960201Engraving on copper, steel, wood, or rubber: printing plates50
27960202Photoengraving plates, linecuts or halftones28
27960203Steel line engraving, for the printing trade12
279699Platemaking services, nec93
27969901Color separations, for printing51
27969902Electrotype plates5
27969903Embossing plates, for printing3
27969904Etching on copper, steel, wood, or rubber: printing plates7
27969905Letterpress plates, preparation of5
27969906Lithographic plates, positives or negatives22
27969907Stereotype plates0