SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2789—Bookbinding and Related Work
Establishments primarily engaged in edition, trade, job, and library book binding. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in book or paper bronzing, gilding, and edging; in map and sample mounting, and in other services related to bookbinding. Establishments primarily binding books printed elsewhere are classified in this industry, but those primarily binding books printed in the same establishment are classified in Industry Group 273.

Beveling of cardsMounting of maps and samples, for the trade
Binding only books, pamphlets, magazines, etc.Pamphlets, binding only
Book gilding, bronzing, edging, deckling, embossing, and goldPaper bronzing, gilding, edging, and deckling
Bookbinding edition, job, library, and tradePaper cutting, except die-cutting
Bronzing books, cards, or paperRebinding books, magazines, or pamphlets
Display mountingRepairing books (bookbinding)
Edging books, cards, or paperSwatches and samples, mounting for the trade
Magazines, binding onlyTrade binding services
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2789Bookbinding and Related Work758
278900Bookbinding and related work277
27890000Bookbinding and related work277
278901Display mounting17
27890100Display mounting14
27890101Map mounting1
27890102Mounting of maps and samples2
278902Bronzing, gilding, edging, and deckling: books, cards, paper9
27890200Bronzing, gilding, edging, and deckling: books, cards, paper2
27890202Deckling books, cards, or paper4
27890203Edging books, cards, or paper0
27890204Gilding books, cards, or paper0
27890205Gold stamping on books2
278903Binding and repair of books, magazines, and pamphlets419
27890300Binding and repair of books, magazines, and pamphlets19
27890301Binding only: books, pamphlets, magazines, etc.321
27890302Bookbinding and repairing: trade, edition, library, etc.30
27890303Magazines, binding0
27890304Pamphlets, binding5
27890305Rebinding books, magazines, or pamphlets2
27890306Trade binding services42
278999Bookbinding and related work, nec36
27899901Beveling of cards1
27899902Paper cutting22
27899903Swatches and samples13