SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2675—Die-Cut Paper and Paperboard and Cardboard
Establishments primarily engaged in die-cutting purchased paper and paperboard; and in manufacturing cardboard by laminating, lining, or surface-coating paperboard. Establishments primarily engaged in laminating building paper from purchased paper are classified in Industry 2679.

Board, chip: pasted—mfpmJewelers' cards—mfpm
Bottle caps and tops, die-cut from purchased paper or paperboardLace, paper: die-cut from purchased materials
Card cutting—mfpmLetters, cardboard—mfpm
Cardboard foundations and cutouts—mfpmLibrary cards, paperboard—mfpm
Cardboard panels and cutouts—mfpmLiners for freight car doors: reinforced with metal strip—mfpm
Cardboard: pasted, laminated, lined, and surface coated—mfpmManila folders—mfpm
Cards, cut and designed: unprinted—mfpmMilk filter disks, die-cut from purchased paper
Cards, plain paper: die-cut or rotary-cut from purchased materialsNewsboard, pasted—mfpm
Cards, tabulating and time recording die-cut from purchasedPaperboard: pasted, lined, laminated, or surface coated—mfpm
Cutouts, paper and paperboard: die-cut from purchased materialPhotograph folders, mats, and mounts—mfpm
Die-cut paper and paperboard—mfpmStencil board—mfpm
Egg cartons, die-cut paper and paperboard—mfpmStencil cards for addressing machines—mfpm
Egg case fillers and flats, die-cut from purchased paper or paperboardTabulating cards, printed or unprinted: die-cut from purchased
Filing folders—mfpmTime recording cards, die-cut from purchased paperboard
Index and other cut cards—mfpmWaterproof cardboard—mfpm
Jacquard cards—mfpm
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2675Die-cut Paper and Board257
267500Die-cut paper and board99
26750000Die-cut paper and board99
267501Cardboard cut-outs, panels, and foundations: die-cut23
26750100Cardboard cut-outs, panels, and foundations: die-cut10
26750101Cutouts, cardboard, die-cut: from purchased materials6
26750102Foundations, cardboard, die-cut: from purchased materials1
26750103Panels, cardboard, die-cut: made from purchased materials4
26750104Waterproof cardboard: made from purchased materials2
267502Cards, folders, and mats: die-cut60
26750200Cards, folders, and mats: die-cut5
26750201Cards: die-cut and unprinted: made from purchased materials6
26750202Folders, filing, die-cut: made from purchased materials17
26750203Index cards, die-cut: made from purchased materials18
26750205Library cards, die-cut: from purchased materials0
26750206Manila folders0
26750207Photographic mats, mounts, and folders13
26750208Tabulating and time cards, die-cut: purchased paperboard0
267503Stencils and lettering materials: die-cut14
26750300Stencils and lettering materials: die-cut10
26750302Letters, cardboard, die-cut: from purchased materials1
26750303Stencil board, die-cut: made from purchased materials1
26750304Stencil cards, die-cut: made from purchased materials2
267504Food container products and parts, from die-cut paper8
26750400Food container products and parts, from die-cut paper3
26750401Bottle caps and tops, die-cut: from purchased materials1
26750402Egg cartons, die-cut: made from purchased materials2
26750403Egg case fillers and flats, die-cut: purchased materials1
26750404Milk filter disks, die-cut: made from purchased materials1
267599Die-cut paper and board, nec53
26759901Chip board, pasted, die-cut: from purchased materials0
26759902Cutouts, paper or paperboard: made from purchased materials4
26759903Liners for freight car doors: reinforced with metal strip4
26759905Paper die-cutting35
26759906Paperboard die-cutting10