SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2672—Coated and Laminated Paper, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing coated, laminated, or processed paper and film from purchased paper, except for packaging. Also included are establishments primarily manufacturing gummed paper products and pressure sensitive tape with backing of any material other than rubber, for any application. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing coated and laminated paper for packaging are classified in Industry 2671; those manufacturing carbon paper are classified in Industry 3955; and those manufacturing photographic and blueprint paper are classified in Industry 3861.

Book paper, coated—mfpmMetallic covered paper, except for packaging—mfpm
Cellophane adhesive tape—mfpmOiled paper—mfpm
Cloth-lined paper—mfpmPaper, coated and laminated: except for packaging—mfpm
Condenser paper—mfpmPressure sensitive paper and tape except rubber backed—mfpm
Enameled paper—mfpmPrinting paper, coated—mfpm
Fancy paper, coated and glazed: except for packaging—mfpmResinous impregnated paper, except for packaging—mfpm
Flypaper—mfpmTape, pressure sensitive: except rubber backed—mfpm
Gummed paper—mfpmTar paper: except building or roofing and packaging—mfpm
Gummed tape, cloth and paper base—mfpmThermoplastics coated paper, except for packaging—mfpm
Litmus paper—mfpmTransfer paper, gold and silver—mfpm
Masking tape—mfpmWaxed paper, except for packaging—mfpm
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2672Paper; Coated and Laminated, Nec530
267200Paper; coated and laminated, nec138
26720000Paper; coated and laminated, nec138
267201Chemically treated papers, made from purchased materials25
26720100Chemically treated papers, made from purchased materials9
26720101Condenser paper: made from purchased paper0
26720102Enameled paper: made from purchased paper2
26720103Fly paper: made from purchased materials2
26720104Litmus paper: made from purchased materials0
26720105Metallic covered paper: made from purchased materials3
26720106Oiled paper: made from purchased materials0
26720107Soap impregnated papers and paper washcloths2
26720109Thermoplastic coated paper: made from purchased materials1
26720110Transfer paper, gold or silver: from purchased materials6
267202Adhesive papers, labels, or tapes: from purchased material337
26720200Adhesive papers, labels, or tapes: from purchased material105
26720201Adhesive backed films, foams and foils36
26720202Cellophane adhesive tape: made from purchased materials5
26720203Gummed paper: made from purchased materials0
26720204Gummed tape, cloth or paper base: from purchased materials4
26720205Labels (unprinted), gummed: made from purchased materials82
26720206Masking tape: made from purchased materials12
26720207Tape, pressure sensitive: made from purchased materials93
267299Paper; coated and laminated, nec, nec30
26729901Book paper, coated: made from purchased materials2
26729902Cloth lined paper: made from purchased paper2
26729903Coated paper, except photographic, carbon, or abrasive25
26729904Eyelets, cloth or paper: made from purchased materials0
26729905Glazed paper, except photographic, carbon, or abrasive1