SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2655—Fiber Cans, Tubes, Drums, and Similar Products
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing from purchased materials fiber cans, cones, drums, and similar products, with or without metal ends, and vulcanized fiber boxes.

Ammunition cans or tubs, paperboard laminated with metal foil—mfpmDrums, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Bobbins, fiber—mfpmHampers, shipping: vulcanized fiber—mfpm
Bottles, paper fiber—mfpmMailing cases and tubes, paper fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Boxes, vulcanized fiber—mfpmPans and voids, fiber or cardboard—mfpm
Candelabra tubes, fiber—mfpmRibbon blocks, fiber—mfpm
Cans, composite: foil-fiber and other combinations—mfpmSpools, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Cans, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber—mfpmTextile reels, fiber—mfpm
Cases, mailing: paper fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpmTextile spinning bobbins, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Cones, fiber: for winding yarn, string, ribbons, or cloth—mfpmTubes, fiber or paper (with or without metal ends)—mfpm
Containers, laminated phenolic and vulcanized fiber—mfpmTubes, for chemical and electrical uses: impregnated paper or fiber—mfpm
Containers, liquid tight fiber (except sanitary food containers)—mfpmWastebaskets, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Cores, fiber (metal-end or all-fiber)—mfpm
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2655Fiber Cans, Drums, and Similar Products362
265500Fiber cans, drums, and similar products112
26550000Fiber cans, drums, and similar products112
265501Fiber spools, tubes, and cones81
26550100Fiber spools, tubes, and cones6
26550101Cones, fiber: made from purchased material2
26550102Spools, fiber: made from purchased material4
26550103Tubes, fiber or paper: made from purchased material61
26550104Tubes, for chemical or electrical uses: paper or fiber8
265502Fiber cans, drums, and containers118
26550200Fiber cans, drums, and containers29
26550201Bottles, paper fiber: made from purchased material1
26550202Boxes, vulcanized fiber: made from purchased material0
26550203Cans, composite: foil-fiber and other: from purchased fiber45
26550204Cans, fiber: made from purchased material9
26550205Containers, laminated phenolic and vulcanized fiber11
26550206Containers, liquid tight fiber: from purchased material11
26550207Drums, fiber: made from purchased material12
265503Fiber shipping and mailing containers23
26550300Fiber shipping and mailing containers21
26550301Cases, mailing: made from purchased material0
26550302Hampers, shipping (vulcanized fiber): purchased material0
26550303Tubes, mailing: made from purchased paper fiber2
265504Fiber cores, reels, and bobbins15
26550400Fiber cores, reels, and bobbins2
26550401Bobbins, fiber: made from purchased material1
26550402Bobbins, textile spinning: made from purchased fiber3
26550403Cores, fiber: made from purchased material6
26550404Reels (fiber), textile: made from purchased material3
265599Fiber cans, drums, and similar products, nec13
26559901Ammunition cans or tubes, board laminated with metal foil7
26559902Pans and voids, fiber or cardboard: from purchased material1
26559903Ribbon blocks, fiber: made from purchased material0
26559904Wastebaskets, fiber: made from purchased material5