SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2429—Special Product Sawmills, Not Elsewhere Classified
Mills primarily engaged in manufacturing excelsior, wood shingles, and cooperage stock; and in sawing special products, not elsewhere classified.

Barrel heading and staves, sawed or splitShakes (hand split shingles)
Cooperage stock millsShingle mills, wood
Cooperage stock: staves, heading, and hoops sawed or splitShingles, wood: sawed or hand split
Excelsior, including pads and wrappers: woodWood wool (excelsior)
Hoops, wood: for tight or slack cooperage—sawed or splitWrappers, excelsior
Sawmills, special product: except lumber and veneer mills
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2429Special Product Sawmills, Nec106
242900Special product sawmills, nec24
24290000Special product sawmills, nec24
242901Barrels and barrel parts46
24290100Barrels and barrel parts24
24290101Cooperage stock products: staves, headings, hoops, etc.5
24290102Heading, barrel (cooperage stock): sawed or split4
24290103Hoops, wood, for tight or slack cooperage: sawed or split2
24290104Staves, barrel: sawed or split11
242902Shavings and packaging, excelsior14
24290200Shavings and packaging, excelsior8
24290201Excelsior, including pads and wrappers: wood3
24290202Wood wool, excelsior2
24290203Wrappers, excelsior1
242903Shingle and shingle mills22
24290300Shingle and shingle mills7
24290301Shakes (hand split shingles)11
24290302Shingle mill0
24290303Shingles, wood: sawed or hand split4