Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hardwood dimension lumber and workings therefrom; and other hardwood dimension, semi-fabricated or ready for assembly; hardwood flooring; and wood frames for household furniture. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing stairwork, molding, and trim are classified in Industry 2431; and those manufacturing textile machinery bobbins, picker sticks, and shuttles are classified in Industry 3552.
Blanks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and textile machinery | Gun stocks, wood |
Blocks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and textile machinery | Handle blanks, wood |
Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood | Handle stock, sawed or planed |
Brush blocks, wood: turned and shaped | Lumber, hardwood dimension |
Carvings, furniture: wood | Parquet flooring, hardwood |
Chair frames for upholstered furniture, wood | Picker stick blanks |
Chair seats, hardwood | Rounds or rungs, ladder and furniture: hardwood |
Dimension, hardwood | Shuttle blocks: hardwood |
Flooring, hardwood | Spool blocks and blanks, wood |
Frames for upholstered furniture, wood | Stock, chair: hardwood—turned, shaped, or carved |
Furniture dimension stock, hardwood | Table slides, for extension tables: wood |
Furniture squares, hardwood | Turnings, furniture: wood |
Furniture turnings and carvings, wood | Vehicle stock, hardwood |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
24260000 | Hardwood dimension and flooring mills | 202 |
24260100 | Furniture stock and parts, hardwood | 110 |
24260101 | Carvings, furniture: wood | 123 |
24260102 | Chair seats, hardwood | 8 |
24260103 | Frames for upholstered furniture, wood | 79 |
24260104 | Furniture dimension stock, hardwood | 31 |
24260105 | Furniture squares, hardwood | 14 |
24260106 | Rounds or rungs, furniture: hardwood | 1 |
24260107 | Stock, chair, hardwood: turned, shaped, or carved | 3 |
24260108 | Table slides, for extension tables: wood | 1 |
24260109 | Turnings, furniture: wood | 42 |
24260200 | Blocks and blanks, hardwood | 1 |
24260201 | Blanks, wood: bowling pins, handles, etc. | 3 |
24260202 | Blocks, wood: bowling pins, handles, etc. | 3 |
24260203 | Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood | 0 |
24260204 | Brush blocks, wood: turned and shaped | 1 |
24260206 | Shuttle blocks, hardwood | 6 |
24260300 | Stocks: gun, handle, vehicle, etc. | 13 |
24260301 | Gun stocks, wood | 21 |
24260302 | Handle stock, sawed or planed | 2 |
24260303 | Vehicle stock, hardwood | 4 |
24260400 | Textile machinery accessories, hardwood | 7 |
24260401 | Blanks, wood: textile machinery accessories | 2 |
24260402 | Blocks, wood: textile machinery accessories | 1 |
24269901 | Dimension, hardwood | 24 |
24269902 | Flooring, hardwood | 316 |
24269903 | Lumber, hardwood dimension | 112 |
24269904 | Parquet flooring, hardwood | 6 |
24269905 | Rounds or rungs, ladder: hardwood | 1 |