SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2396—Automotive Trimmings, Apparel Findings, and Related Products
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing automotive trimmings, apparel findings, and related products. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in printing and stamping on fabric articles.

Apparel findings and trimmings—mfpmPassementeries—mfpm
Bindings, bias—mfpmPrinting and embossing on fabric articles
Bindings, cap and hat—mfpmPrinting on fabric articles
Collar linings, for men's coatsRibbons and bows, cut and sewed
Findings, suit and coat: e.g., coat fronts, pocketsSilk screening on fabric articles
Hat findings, men'sStamping fabrics for embroidering
Hatters' furStraps, shoulder: for women's underwear—mfpm
Linings, handbag or pocketbookSweatbands, hat and cap
Linings, hat: men'sTip printing and stamping on fabric articles
Linings, luggageTrimmings, fabric: auto, furniture, millinery, dress, coat, and suit—mfpm
Linings: e.g., suit, coat, shirt, skirt, dress, necktie, millineryTrimmings, hat: men's
Luggage liningsVeils and veiling, hat
Millinery trimmings—mfpmVisors, cap
Pads, shoulder: e.g., for coats and suitsWaistbands, trouser
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2396Automotive and Apparel Trimmings1,654
239600Automotive and apparel trimmings226
23960000Automotive and apparel trimmings226
239601Apparel and other linings, except millinery74
23960100Apparel and other linings, except millinery54
23960101Collar linings, men's coats0
23960102Linings, apparel: made from purchased materials16
23960103Linings, handbag or pocketbook4
239602Apparel findings and trimmings63
23960200Apparel findings and trimmings18
23960201Bindings, bias: made from purchased materials6
23960202Pads, shoulder: for coats, suits, etc.5
23960204Ribbons and bows, cut and sewed20
23960205Shoulder straps, for women's underwear0
23960206Trimming, fabric, nsk6
23960207Waistbands, trouser4
239603Millinery materials and supplies9
23960300Millinery materials and supplies3
23960301Bindings, cap and hat: made from purchased materials0
23960302Cap fronts and visors1
23960304Hat linings and trimmings, men's0
23960306Sweat bands, hat and cap: made from purchased materials4
239604Fabric printing and stamping1,204
23960400Fabric printing and stamping170
23960401Printing and embossing on plastics fabric articles125
23960402Screen printing on fabric articles879
23960403Stamping fabric articles6
23960404Tip printing and stamping on fabric2
23960405Veils and veiling: bridal, funeral, etc.22
239699Automotive and apparel trimmings, nec78
23969901Automotive trimmings, fabric62
23969902Furniture trimmings, fabric16