SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2386—Leather and Sheep-Lined Clothing
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing leather and sheep-lined clothing. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing leather gloves and mittens are classified in Industry 3151, and those manufacturing fur clothing are classified in Industry 2371.

Caps, leatherHats, leather
Clothing, leather or sheep-linedJackets, leather (except welders') or sheep-lined
Coats, leather or sheep-linedPants, leather
Garments, leather or sheep-linedVests, leather or sheep lined
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2386Leather and Sheep-lined Clothing174
238600Leather and sheep-lined clothing69
23860000Leather and sheep-lined clothing69
238601Leather and sheep-lined coats and hats36
23860100Leather and sheep-lined coats and hats0
23860101Coats and jackets, leather and sheep-lined23
23860102Hats and caps, leather13
238602Leather and sheep-lined garments69
23860200Leather and sheep-lined garments8
23860201Garments, leather56
23860202Garments, sheep-lined5
23860203Pants, leather0