SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2321—Men's and Boys' Shirts, Except Work Shirts
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing men's and boys' shirts (including polo and sport shirts) from purchased woven or knit fabrics. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing work shirts are classified in Industry 2326. Knitting mills primarily engaged in manufacturing outerwear are classified in Industry 2253.

Blouses, boys'—mfpmSport shirts: men's and boys'—mfpm
Collars, men's and boys'—mfpmSweatshirts: men's and boys'—mfpm
Flannel shirts, except work shirts: men's, youths', and boys'Tank tops: men's and boys'—mfpm
Polo shirts: men's and boys'—mfpmUniform shirts, except athletic or work: men's and boys'—mfpm
Shirts, outerwear; except work shirts: men's and boys'—mfpm
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2321Men's and Boy's Furnishings292
232100Men's and boy's furnishings127
23210000Men's and boy's furnishings127
232101Men's and boys' dress shirts64
23210100Men's and boys' dress shirts59
23210102Collars, men's and boys': made from purchased materials1
232102Men's and boys' sports and polo shirts84
23210200Men's and boys' sports and polo shirts29
23210201Polo shirts, men's and boys': made from purchased materials11
23210202Sport shirts, men's and boys': from purchased materials44
232199Men's and boy's furnishings, nec17
23219901Flannel shirts, except work: men's, youths', and boys'3
23219902Uniform shirts: made from purchased materials14