SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2211—Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton
Establishments primarily engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) in width, wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton. Establishments primarily engaged in weaving or tufting carpet and rugs are classified in Industry 2273; those making tire cord and fabrics are classified in Industry 2296; and those engaged in finishing cotton broadwoven fabrics are classified in Industry 2261.

Airplane cloth, cottonLuggage fabrics, cotton
Alpacas, cottonMarquisettes, cotton
Automotive fabrics, cottonMatelasse, cotton
Awning stripes, cotton—mitseMitten flannel, cotton
Balloon cloth, cottonMoleskins—mitse
Bandage cloths, cottonMomie crepe, cotton
Bark cloth, cottonMosquito netting—mitse
Basket weave fabrics, cottonMuslin, cotton
Bathmats, cotton: made in weaving millsNainsook, cotton
Batiste, cottonNets and nettings—mitse
Bedspreads, cotton: made in weaving millsOpaline, cotton
Bird's eye diaper cloth, cottonOrgandy, cotton
Blankets and blanketings, cotton—mitseOsnaburgs
Bombazine, cottonOuting flannel, cotton
Book cloth—mitseOxfords (cotton fabrics)
Broadcloth, cottonPajama checks, textile
Brocade, cottonPercale
Brocatelle, cottonPercaline, cotton
Buckram—mitsePile fabrics, cotton
Bunting—mitsePillow cases—mitse
Butter clothsPillow tubing—mitse
Cambric, cottonPin checks, cotton
Camouflage nets—mitsePin stripes, cotton
Canton flannels, cottonPiques, cotton
Canvas—mitsePlaids, cotton
Casement cloth, cottonPlisse crepe, cotton
ChambraysPlushes, cotton
CheeseclothPocketing twill, cotton
Chenilles, tufted textile—mitsePongee, cotton
Cheviots, cottonPoplin, cotton
Chintz, cottonPress cloth
Corduroys, cottonPrint cloths, cotton
Cotton broadwoven goodsRatine, cotton
CottonadesRep, cotton
Coutil, cottonSailcloth—mitse
Coverts, cottonSateens, cotton
Crash toweling, cottonScrim, cotton
Crepes, cottonScrub cloths—mitse
Cretonne, cottonSeat cover cloth, automobile: cotton
CrinolineSeersuckers, cotton
Damasks, cottonSheets and sheetings, cotton—mitse
DenimsShirting fabrics, cotton
Diaper fabricsShoe fabrics—mitse
DimitiesSilesia, cotton
Dishcloths, woven: made in weaving millsSlipcover fabrics, cotton
Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton—mitseStretch fabrics, cotton
Dress fabrics, cottonSuiting fabrics, cotton
Drills, cottonSurgical fabrics, cotton
Duck, cottonTable cover fabrics, cotton
Duvetyn, cottonTable damask, cotton
Elastic fabrics, cotton: more than 12 inches in widthTapestry fabrics, cotton
Express stripes, cottonTarlatan, cotton
Filter cloth, cottonTentage—mitse
FlanneletteTerry woven fabrics, cotton
Flannels, cottonTickings—mitse
Furniture denimTobacco cloths—mitse
Gabardine, cottonTowels and toweling, cotton: made in weaving mills
Galatea, cottonTracing cloth, cotton
Gauze—mitseTrouserings, cotton
GinghamsTubing, seamless: cotton
Glass toweling, cottonTwills, cotton
Glove fabrics, cotton—mitseTypewriter ribbon cloth, cotton
Grosgrain, cottonUmbrella cloth, cotton
Handkerchief fabrics, cottonUnderwear fabrics, woven: cotton
Hickory stripes, cottonUpholstery fabrics, cotton
Huck towelingVelours
Interlining material, cottonVelveteens
Jacquard woven fabrics, cottonVoiles, cotton
Jean fabrics, cottonWaffle cloth, cotton
Laundry fabrics, cottonWashcloths, woven: made in weaving mills
Laundry nets—mitseWeaving mills, cotton broadwoven fabrics
Lawns, cottonWignan, cotton
Leno fabrics, cottonWindow shade cloth, cotton
Long cloth, cottonYarn-dyed fabrics, cotton
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2211Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton3,243
221100Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton171
22110000Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton171
221101Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton111
22110100Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton31
22110101Bed sheeting, cotton14
22110102Bed tickings, cotton1
22110103Bedspreads, cotton7
22110104Blankets and blanketings, cotton23
22110107Pillow tubing1
22110109Sheets and sheetings, cotton5
22110110Table cover fabrics, cotton8
22110112Tubing, seamless: cotton3
221102Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton875
22110200Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton823
22110201Corset fabrics, cotton0
22110202Dress fabrics, cotton10
22110204Glove fabrics, cotton2
22110205Handkerchief fabrics, cotton3
22110206Madras, cotton0
22110207Mitten flannel, cotton1
22110209Pajama checks, textile0
22110210Shirting fabrics, cotton15
22110211Shoe fabrics8
22110214Underwear fabrics, cotton11
221103Towels, dishcloths and washcloths: cotton53
22110300Towels, dishcloths and washcloths: cotton15
22110303Glass toweling, cotton0
22110305Towels and toweling, cotton14
221104Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels21
22110400Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels1
22110401Canton flannels, cotton0
22110404Flannels, cotton0
22110405Outing flannel, cotton0
22110406Pile fabrics, cotton1
22110407Plushes, cotton0
22110408Terry woven fabrics, cotton1
22110411Velvets, cotton1
221105Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton284
22110500Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton6
22110501Bombazine, cotton0
22110503Corduroys, cotton1
22110504Coverts, cotton0
22110506Drills, cotton1
22110509Jean fabrics13
22110511Piques, cotton0
22110512Pocketing twill, cotton1
22110513Poplin, cotton0
22110514Rep, cotton7
22110516Twills, cotton0
221106Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton202
22110600Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton16
22110601Airplane cloth, cotton6
22110602Automotive fabrics, cotton24
22110603Brocatelle, cotton0
22110604Casement cloth, cotton0
22110605Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton82
22110606Furniture denim19
22110607Seat cover cloth, automobile: cotton6
22110608Shade cloth, window: cotton5
22110609Slip cover fabrics, cotton4
22110610Tapestry fabrics, cotton6
22110611Upholstery fabrics, cotton34
221107Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton19
22110700Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton3
22110701Camouflage nets7
22110702Laundry nets6
22110703Mosquito netting3
221108Sheers and other thin, lightweight fabrics: cotton17
22110800Sheers and other thin, lightweight fabrics: cotton0
22110802Butter cloths0
22110803Cambric, cotton0
22110806Filter cloth, cotton5
22110812Press cloth7
22110813Scrim, cotton1
22110815Tracing cloth, cotton1
221109Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton33
22110900Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton19
22110901Bandage cloths, cotton5
22110905Surgical fabrics, cotton5
221110Linings and interlinings, cotton7
22111000Linings and interlinings, cotton4
22111003Interlining material, cotton1
22111004Percaline, cotton0
22111005Table damask, cotton0
221111Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton1,074
22111100Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton18
22111101Awning stripes, cotton3
22111102Balloon cloth, cotton0
22111103Bark cloth, cotton1
22111107Duck, cotton3
22111110Luggage fabrics, cotton7
22111113Sail cloth10
221112Decorative trim and specialty fabrics, including twist weave47
22111200Decorative trim and specialty fabrics, including twist weave21
22111201Book cloth4
22111202Brocade, cotton0
22111203Bunting cloths0
22111205Chenilles, tufted textile4
22111208Jacquard woven fabrics, cotton3
22111210Matelasse, cotton1
22111211Pin checks, cotton1
22111212Pin stripes, cotton4
22111216Typewriter ribbon cloth0
221113Crepes and other crinkled texture fabrics, cotton3
22111300Crepes and other crinkled texture fabrics, cotton3
22111301Crepes, cotton0
22111304Seersuckers, cotton0
221199Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton, nec326
22119901Alpacas, cotton41
22119902Bags and bagging, cotton27
22119903Basket weave fabrics, cotton15
22119904Bathmats, cotton2
22119905Bird's-eye diaper cloth, cotton3
22119906Broadcloth, cotton2
22119907Card roll fabrics, cotton4
22119908Chafer fabrics, cotton0
22119909Cotton broad woven goods15
22119911Coutil, cotton0
22119912Diaper fabrics, nec4
22119913Elastic fabrics, cotton1
22119914Express stripes, cotton0
22119916Laundry fabrics, cotton8
22119917Lawns, cotton0
22119918Long cloth, cotton5
22119919Print cloths, cotton104
22119921Scrub cloths57
22119922Stretch fabrics, cotton4
22119923Umbrella cloth, cotton3
22119925Wignan, cotton0
22119926Yarn-dyed fabrics, cotton15