SIC Industry Description

Industry: 2075—Soybean Oil Mills
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing soybean oil, cake, and meal, and soybean protein isolates and concentrates, or in processing purchased soybean oil other than into edible cooking oils. Establishments primarily engaged in refining soybean oil into edible cooking oils are classified in Industry 2079.

Lecithin, soybeanSoybean oil, deodorized
Soybean flour and gritsSoybean protein concentrates
Soybean oil, cake, and mealSoybean protein isolates
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
2075Soybean Oil Mills100
207500Soybean oil mills60
20750000Soybean oil mills60
207599Soybean oil mills, nec40
20759901Lecithin, soybean10
20759902Soybean flour and grits4
20759903Soybean oil, cake or meal16
20759904Soybean oil, deodorized1
20759905Soybean powder1
20759906Soybean protein concentrates and isolates8