General and special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of heavy projects, not elsewhere classified.
Athletic field construction—general contractors | Lock and waterway construction—general contractors |
Blasting, except building demolition—contractors | Marine construction—general contractors |
Breakwater construction—general contractors | Mine loading and discharging station construction—general contractors |
Bridle path construction—general contractors | Mining appurtenance construction—general contractors |
Brush clearing or cutting—contractors | Missile facilities construction—general contractors |
Caisson drilling—contractors | Nuclear reactor containment structure construction—general contractors |
Canal construction—general contractors | Oil refinery construction—general contractors |
Central station construction—general contractors | Oven construction for industrial plants—general contractors |
Channel construction—general contractors | Oven construction, bakers'—general contractors |
Channel cutoff construction—general contractors | Petrochemical plant construction—general contractors |
Chemical complex or facilities construction—general contractors | Petroleum refinery construction—general contractors |
Clearing of land—general contractors | Pier construction—general contractors |
Cofferdam construction—general contractors | Pile driving—contractors |
Coke oven construction—general contractors | Pond construction—general contractors |
Cutting right-of-way—general contractors | Power plant construction—general contractors |
Dam construction—general contractors | Railroad construction—general contractors |
Dike construction—general contractors | Railway roadbed construction—general contractors |
Discharging station construction, mine—general contractors | Reclamation projects construction—general contractors |
Dock construction—general contractors | Reservoir construction—general contractors |
Drainage project construction—general contractors | Revetment construction—general contractors |
Dredging—general contractors | Rock removal, underwater—contractors |
Earth moving, not connected with building construction—general | Sewage treatment plant construction—general contractors |
Flood control project construction—general contractors | Ski tow erection—general contractors |
Furnace construction for industrial plants—general contractors | Soil compacting service—contractors |
Golf course construction—general contractors | Submarine rock removal—general contractors |
Harbor construction—general contractors | Subway construction—general contractors |
Hydroelectric plant construction—general contractors | Tennis court construction, outdoor—general contractors |
Industrial incinerator construction—general contractors | Timber removal, underwater—contractors |
Industrial plant appurtenance construction—general contractors | Tipple construction—general contractors |
Irrigation projects construction—general contractors | Trail building—general contractors |
Jetty construction—general contractors | Trailer camp construction—general contractors |
Kiln construction—general contractors | Trenching—contractors |
Land clearing—contractors | Washeries construction, mining—general contractors |
Land drainage—contractors | Waste disposal plant construction—general contractors |
Land leveling (irrigation)—contractors | Water power project construction—general contractors |
Land reclamation—contractors | Water treatment plant construction—general contractors |
Levee construction—general contractors | Waterway construction—general contractors |
Light and power plant construction—general contractors | Wharf construction—general contractors |
Loading station construction, mine—general contractors | |
Codes |
Titles | Total Marketable US Businesses |
16290000 | Heavy construction, nec | 1,953 |
16290100 | Dams, waterways, docks, and other marine construction | 461 |
16290101 | Caisson drilling | 55 |
16290102 | Canal construction | 20 |
16290103 | Dam construction | 77 |
16290104 | Dock construction | 249 |
16290105 | Drainage system construction | 462 |
16290106 | Dredging contractor | 163 |
16290107 | Harbor construction | 57 |
16290108 | Irrigation system construction | 317 |
16290109 | Levee construction | 46 |
16290110 | Marine construction | 1,664 |
16290111 | Pier construction | 28 |
16290112 | Pond construction | 237 |
16290113 | Waterway construction | 91 |
16290200 | Railroad and subway construction | 126 |
16290201 | Cutting of right-of-way | 44 |
16290202 | Railroad and railway roadbed construction | 364 |
16290203 | Subway construction | 9 |
16290300 | Athletic and recreation facilities construction | 99 |
16290301 | Athletic field construction | 60 |
16290302 | Golf course construction | 246 |
16290303 | Tennis court construction | 188 |
16290400 | Land preparation construction | 770 |
16290401 | Land leveling | 261 |
16290402 | Land reclamation | 221 |
16290403 | Rock removal | 61 |
16290404 | Timber removal | 126 |
16290500 | Industrial plant construction | 293 |
16290501 | Chemical plant and refinery construction | 77 |
16290502 | Mine loading and discharging station construction | 19 |
16290503 | Oil refinery construction | 116 |
16290504 | Waste disposal plant construction | 129 |
16290505 | Waste water and sewage treatment plant construction | 532 |
16299901 | Blasting contractor, except building demolition | 277 |
16299902 | Earthmoving contractor | 826 |
16299903 | Land clearing contractor | 1,297 |
16299904 | Pile driving contractor | 131 |
16299905 | Power plant construction | 219 |
16299906 | Trenching contractor | 611 |