SIC Industry Description

Industry: 1623—Water, Sewer, Pipeline, and Communications and Power Line Construction
General and special trade contractors primarily engaged in the construction of water and sewer mains, pipelines, and communications and power lines.

Aqueduct construction—general contractorsPole line construction—general contractors
Cable laying construction—contractorsPower line construction—general contractors
Cable television line construction—contractorsPumping station construction—general contractors
Conduit construction—contractorsRadio transmitting tower construction—general contractors
Distribution lines construction, oil and gas field—general contractorsSewage collection and disposal line construction—general contractors
Gas main construction—general contractorsSewer construction—general contractors
Manhole construction—contractorsTelegraph line construction—general contractors
Natural gas compressing station construction—general contractorsTelephone line construction—general contractors
Pipelaying—general contractorsTelevision transmitting tower construction—general contractors
Pipeline construction—general contractorsTransmission line construction—general contractors
Pipeline wrapping—contractorsWater main line construction—general contractors
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
1623Water, Sewer, and Utility Lines13,594
162300Water, sewer, and utility lines3,414
16230000Water, sewer, and utility lines3,414
162301Oil and gas line and compressor station construction878
16230100Oil and gas line and compressor station construction138
16230101Gas main construction79
16230102Natural gas compressor station construction43
16230103Oil and gas pipeline construction596
16230104Pipeline wrapping22
162302Communication line and transmission tower construction2,327
16230200Communication line and transmission tower construction489
16230201Cable laying construction393
16230202Cable television line construction166
16230203Telephone and communication line construction678
16230204Transmitting tower (telecommunication) construction601
162303Water and sewer line construction2,140
16230300Water and sewer line construction656
16230301Aqueduct construction11
16230302Sewer line construction955
16230303Water main construction518
162399Water, sewer, and utility lines, nec4,835
16239901Electric power line construction523
16239902Manhole construction32
16239903Pipe laying construction236
16239904Pipeline construction, nsk948
16239905Pumping station construction117
16239906Underground utilities contractor2,979