SIC Industry Description

Industry: 0919—Miscellaneous Marine Products
Establishments primarily engaged in miscellaneous fishing activities, such as catching or taking of sea urchins, terrapins, turtles, and frogs. The gathering of seaweed and sponges is also included in this industry.

Cultured pearl productionSponges, gathering of
Frogs, catching ofTerrapins, catching of
Sea urchins, catching ofTurtles, catching of
Seaweed, gathering of
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
0919Miscellaneous Marine Products194
091900Miscellaneous marine products105
09190000Miscellaneous marine products105
091901Whale fishing and whale products57
09190100Whale fishing and whale products20
09190101Whale fishing12
09190102Whale meat production3
09190103Whale oil production, crude22
091999Miscellaneous marine products, nec32
09199901Cultured pearl production3
09199902Frogs, catching of0
09199903Oyster shells, dredging7
09199904Sea urchins, catching of3
09199905Seal hunting1
09199906Seaweed, gathering of8
09199907Sponges, gathering of3
09199908Terrapins, catching of0
09199909Turtles, catching of7