SIC Industry Description

Industry: 0913—Shellfish
Establishments primarily engaged in the catching or taking of shellfish.

Clams, digging ofOyster beds
Crab, catching ofOysters, dredging or tonging of
Crayfish, catching ofShellfish, catching of
Fisheries, shellfishShrimp, catching of
Lobsters, catching ofSquid, catching of
Mussels, taking of
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
091301Digging of shellfish82
09130100Digging of shellfish0
09130101Clams, digging of24
09130102Mussells, taking of3
09130103Oyster beds44
09130104Oysters, dredging or tonging of11
091302Catching of shellfish248
09130200Catching of shellfish29
09130201Crabs, catching of41
09130202Crayfish, catching of10
09130203Lobsters, catching of94
09130204Shrimp, catching of74
09130205Squid, catching of0