SIC Industry Description

Industry: 0783—Ornamental Shrub and Tree Services
Establishments primarily engaged in performing a variety of ornamental shrub and tree services. Establishments primarily engaged in forestry services are classified in Major Group 08. Establishments primarily engaged in general lawn and garden planting and maintenance are classified in Industry 0782, and those primarily engaged in performing shrub and tree services for farm crops are classified in Industry 0721.

Arborist servicesTree trimming for public utility lines
Ornamental bush planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgeryTrees, ornamental: planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
Ornamental tree planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgeryUtility line tree trimming services
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
0783Ornamental Shrub and Tree Services32,295
078300Ornamental shrub and tree services3,696
07830000Ornamental shrub and tree services3,696
078301Planting, pruning, and trimming services25,669
07830100Planting, pruning, and trimming services23,950
07830101Planting services, ornamental bush22
07830102Planting services, ornamental tree200
07830103Pruning services, ornamental bush30
07830104Pruning services, ornamental tree340
07830105Tree trimming services for public utility lines1,127
078302Bracing and surgery services273
07830200Bracing and surgery services173
07830201Bracing services, ornamental bush2
07830202Bracing services, ornamental tree10
07830203Surgery services, ornamental bush7
07830204Surgery services, ornamental tree81
078399Ornamental shrub and tree services, nec2,657
07839901Arborist services322
07839902Removal services, bush and tree2,285
07839903Spraying services, ornamental bush22
07839904Spraying services, ornamental tree28