SIC Industry Description

Industry: 0279—Animal Specialties, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in the production of animal specialties, not elsewhere classified, such as pets, bees, worms, and laboratory animals. This industry also includes establishments deriving 50 percent or more of their total value of sales of agricultural products from animal specialties (Industry Group 027), but less than 50 percent from products of any single industry.

Alligator farmsFrog farms
ApiariesHoney production
Aviaries (e.g., parakeet, canary, lovebirds)Kennels, breeding and raising own stock
Bee farmsLaboratory animal farms (e.g., rats, mice, guinea pigs)
Cat farmsRattlesnake farms
Dog farmsSilk (raw) production and silkworm farms
Earthworm hatcheriesWorm farms
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
0279Animal Specialties, Nec3,144
027900Animal specialties, nec347
02790000Animal specialties, nec347
027901Worm farms113
02790100Worm farms95
02790101Earthworm farm15
02790102Silk (raw) production and silkworm farm3
027902Bird sanctuaries164
02790200Bird sanctuaries89
027903Amphibious animal farms78
02790300Amphibious animal farms10
02790301Alligator farm28
02790302Frog farm37
02790303Rattlesnake farm3
027904Domestic animal farms813
02790400Domestic animal farms106
02790401Cat farm32
02790402Dog farm217
02790403Kennels, breeding and raising own stock458
027999Animal specialties, nec, nec1,629
02799901Apiary (bee and honey farm)1,529
02799902Laboratory animal farm50
02799903Insect farm50