SIC Industry Description

Industry: 0119—Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified
Establishments primarily engaged in the production of cash grains, not elsewhere classified. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in the production of dry field and seed peas and beans, safflowers, sunflowers, or popcorn. This industry also includes establishments deriving 50 percent or more of their total value of sales of agricultural products from cash grains (Industry Group 011), but less than 50 percent from products of any single industry.

Barley farmsMustard seed farms
Bean farms, dry field and seedOat farms
Buckwheat farmsPea farms, dry field and seed
Cowpea farmsPopcorn farms
Flaxseed farmsRye farms
Grain farms: except wheat, rice, corn, and soybeansSafflower farms
Lentil farmsSorghum farms, except for syrup
Milo farmsSunflower farms
Codes TitlesTotal Marketable US Businesses
0119Cash Grains, Nec18,857
011900Cash grains, nec12,652
01190000Cash grains, nec12,652
011901Pea and bean farms (legumes)3,408
01190100Pea and bean farms (legumes)2,839
01190101Bean (dry field and seed) farm457
01190102Cowpea farm51
01190103Lentil farm20
01190104Mustard seed farm15
01190105Pea (dry field and seed) farm26
011902Feeder grains1,293
01190200Feeder grains791
01190201Emmer farm31
01190202Milo farm336
01190203Oat farm135
011903Oil grains216
01190300Oil grains101
01190301Flaxseed farm3
01190302Safflower farm9
01190303Sunflower farm103
011904Cereal crop farms1,146
01190400Cereal crop farms647
01190401Barley farm319
01190402Buckwheat farm83
01190403Rye farm33
01190404Sorghum farm64
011999Cash grains, nec, nec142
01199901Popcorn farm142