NAICS Code Description

928120 - International Affairs

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 928120 – Click for Complete Profiles:

V&D Associates LLCEconomic & Bus Affairs Bur
Embassy of UzbekistanDiplomtic Scrty/Ffice Fgn Msso
Embassy of AustraliaEmbassy of Ukraine
United Sttes Agcy For Globl MDInterntional Boundary Wtr Comm
United States Dept of StateEmbassy of The US America

This industry comprises establishments of U.S. and foreign governments primarily engaged in international affairs and programs relating to other nations and peoples.


  • Establishments primarily engaged in providing international trade financing, such as lending funds to foreign buyers of U.S. goods or lending funds to domestic buyers of imported goods, are classified in U.S. Industry 522299, International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation;
  • Private establishments primarily engaged in providing refugee settlement services are classified in Industry 624230, Emergency and Other Relief Services;
  • Human rights organizations, peace advocacy organizations, and trade associations and councils are classified in Subsector 813, Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations; and
  • Government establishments administering international trade, such as trade commissions and councils, are classified in Industry 926110, Administration of General Economic Programs.
Index Entries for 928120
928120928120928120928120Diplomatic services
928120928120928120928120Economic development assistance (i.e., international), government
928120928120928120928120Foreign economic and social development services, government
928120928120928120928120Foreign government service
928120928120928120928120Foreign missions
928120928120928120928120Immigration services
928120928120928120928120International Monetary Fund
928120928120928120928120Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
928120928120928120928120Organization of American States
928120928120928120928120Passport issuing services
928120928120928120928120Peace Corps
928120928120928120928120State Department
928120928120928120928120United Nations
928120928120928120928120World Bank