NAICS Code Description

611310 - Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 611310 – Click for Complete Profiles:

University of Texas SystemBoard of Trstees of The Lland
Leland Stanford Junior UnivJohns Hopkins University
University of PennsylvaniaRector Visitors of The Univ VA
Pennsylvania State UniversityWashington University of Inc
New York UniversityBoard of Rgnts of The Univ Sys

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in furnishing academic courses and granting degrees at baccalaureate or graduate levels. The requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or client's training facilities, educational institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided by these establishments may include the use of simulators and simulation methods.

Illustrative Examples:

Colleges (except junior colleges)
Theological seminaries offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees
Military academies, college-level
Professional schools (e.g., business administration, dental, law, medical)


  • Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing academic, or academic and technical, courses and granting associate degrees, certificates, or diplomas below the baccalaureate level are classified in Industry 611210, Junior Colleges.
Index Entries for 611310
611310611310611310611310Academies, college or university
611310611310611310611310Academies, military service (college)
611310Bible colleges offering baccalaureate degrees
611310611310611310611310Business colleges or schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees
611310Coast Guard Academy
611310611310611310611310Colleges (except junior colleges)
611310611310611310611310Colleges, universities, and professional schools
611310611310611310611310Conservatories of music (colleges or universities)
611310611310611310611310Dental schools
611310611310611310611310Hospital management schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees
611310611310611310611310Hospitality management schools offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees
611310611310611310611310Law schools
611310611310611310611310Medical schools
611310611310611310611310Military academies, college-level
611310611310611310611310Military service academies (college)
611310611310611310611310Parochial schools, college-level
611310611310611310611310Private colleges (except community or junior college)
611310611310611310611310Professional schools (e.g., business administration, dental, law, medical)
611310611310611310611310Schools, correspondence, college-level
611310611310611310611310Schools, medical
611310611310611310611310Schools, music (colleges or universities)
611310Schools, online, college-level (through a website or mobile application)
611310611310611310611310Schools, professional (colleges or universities)
611310611310611310611310Seminaries, theological, offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees
611310611310611310611310Theological seminaries offering baccalaureate or graduate degrees