NAICS Code Description

424510 - Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 424510 – Click for Complete Profiles:

CHS IncAgtegra Cooperative
Zen-Noh Grain CorporationGavilon Group LLC
Scoular CompanyADM Grain River System Inc
Temco LLCDelong Co Inc
Agrex IncRiceland Foods Inc

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of grains, such as corn, wheat, oats, barley, and unpolished rice; dry beans; and soybeans and other inedible beans. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in operating country or terminal grain elevators primarily for the purpose of wholesaling.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Merchant wholesale distribution of field and garden seeds--are classified in Industry 424910, Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers; and
  • Operating grain elevators for storage only--are classified in Industry 493130, Farm Product Warehousing and Storage.
Index Entries for 424510
424510424510424510424510Beans, dry inedible, merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Corn, raw (except seed corn), merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Dry beans, inedible, merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Grain elevators merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Grain merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Rice, unpolished, merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Soybeans merchant wholesalers
424510424510424510424510Wheat merchant wholesalers