NAICS Code Description

212114 - Surface Coal Mining

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 212114 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Alpha Ntral Rsrces Hldings IncArch Resources Inc
Drummond Company IncCloud Peak Enrgy Resources LLC
Florida Progress CorporationAlliance Holdings Gp LP
Peabody Energy CorporationWestmoreland Mining LLC
Alpha Mtllrgical Resources IncConsolidation Coal Company

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) surface mining of bituminous coal, lignite, and anthracite coal; (2) developing bituminous coal, lignite, and anthracite coal surface mine sites; (3) surface mining and beneficiating (e.g., cleaning, washing, screening, and sizing) of bituminous coal, lignite, and anthracite coal; or (4) beneficiating (e.g., cleaning, washing, screening, and sizing), but not mining, bituminous coal, lignite, and anthracite coal.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Underground mining and/or development of underground bituminous and anthracite coal mines--are classified in U.S. Industry 212115, Underground Coal Mining;
  • Providing support activities (except geophysical surveying and mapping, site preparation, construction, and transportation) for the mining of coal on a contract or fee basis--are classified in U.S. Industry 213113, Support Activities for Coal Mining;
  • Manufacturing coke oven products in coke oven establishments--are classified in U.S. Industry 324199, All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing; and
  • Manufacturing coal products in steel mills--are classified in Industry 331110, Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 212114
212114Bituminous coal, lignite, or anthracite beneficiating (e.g., cleaning, crushing, screening, washing, sizing)
212114Bituminous coal, lignite, or anthracite surface mine site development for own account
212114Bituminous coal, lignite, or anthracite surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Brown coal mining and/or beneficiating
212114Coal beneficiating plants (e.g., cleaning, crushing, screening, washing)
212114Coal stripping (except on a contract, fee, or other basis)
212114Coal, bituminous, lignite, or anthracite, surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Coal, brown, mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Culm bank recovery, bituminous coal, lignite, or anthracite (except on a contract basis)
212113212113212113212114Hard coal (i.e., anthracite) surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Lignite surface mining and/or beneficiating
212114Preparation plants, coal
212111212111212111212114Semianthracite surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Semibituminous coal surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Strip mining, bituminous coal, lignite, or anthracite, on own account
212111212111212111212114Subbituminous coal surface mining and/or beneficiating
212111212111212111212114Tipple operation, bituminous coal mining and/or beneficiating