112111 - Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming
Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 112111 – Click for Complete Profiles:
King Ranch Inc | Bezner Cattle and Grain Co |
Maymead Farms Inc | Djh Services LLC |
Bidart Bros | Schiff Farms Inc |
Oak Spring Farms LLC | B Bryan Farms Inc |
Parker Ranch Inc | Sparks Farming II LLC |
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising cattle (including cattle for dairy herd replacements).
- Establishments primarily engaged in milking dairy cattle are classified in Industry 112120, Dairy Cattle and Milk Production.
2007 NAICS | 2012 NAICS | 2017 NAICS | 2022 NAICS | Index Entries for 112111 |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Backgrounding, cattle |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Beef cattle ranching or farming |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Calf (e.g., feeder, stocker, veal) production |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Cattle conditioning operations |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Cattle farming or ranching |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Dairy heifer replacement production |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Feeder calf production |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Stocker calf production |
112111 | 112111 | 112111 | 112111 | Veal calf production |