NAICS Code Description

922150 - Parole Offices and Probation Offices

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 922150 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Juvenile Justice Texas DeptAdult Parole ADM Neb
Pardons & Paroles GA State BdParole Board Massachusetts
Probation & Parole Missouri BdAdult Probation Parole Div NM
Parole Board New Jersey StateProfessional Probation Service
Community Correction Ark DivSoutheast Corrections LLC

This industry comprises government establishments primarily engaged in judicially administering probation offices, parole offices and boards, and pardon boards.


  • Private establishments primarily engaged in providing parole or probation services are classified in Industry 624190, Other Individual and Family Services; and
  • Government establishments primarily engaged in providing probation, parole, and pardon activities as an integral part of a central administrative corrections' office are classified in Industry 922140, Correctional Institutions.
Index Entries for 922150
922150922150922150Pardon boards and offices
922150922150922150Parole offices, publicly administered
922150922150922150Probation offices, publicly administered
922150922150922150Public parole offices
922150922150922150Public probation offices
922150922150922150Rehabilitation services, correctional, government